Essence of Gita Part 2
The twin pillars of Selfless work and renunciation are further elaborated in subsequent chapters. In the 6th chapter called dhyana yoga the point of equality of the two paths of yoga and renunciation are further emphasized as Gita claims that true sannyas or renunciation is renunciation of false ego in the form of fruits of work. Work one must, but one should give up false senses of ownership and fruits thereof. The greatest peace is derived from work where no sense of ownership is attached as attachment and aversion are causes of all miseries in this world. Therefore a true Yogi and a sannyasin never takes to inaction, nor does he resort to attachment to the action. Then this chapter leads an aspirant step by step to that highest goal and also assures them that even if they fail in achieving the highest aim, all is not lost, because good work is always rewarded and one normally strives for perfection over many births. Each successive birth and attempt towards perfection propels one ...