Why Indian Criminal Justice System needs an overhaul along with the mindset of the judges
The criminal justice system of India is a rotten, outdated judicial system, a legacy of the British raj, subsequently reinforced by political and other biases of the judges themselves. Particularly repugnant is the attitude of the judicial system to the women and children victims of rape, molestation and other atrocities and their extreme reluctance to award death penalty even for the most abhorent crime, in the name of liberalism. They deny justice to the victims who are often maimed for life. A cace in point was the judgement delivered in the case of brutal rape of nurse Aruna where the victim was in a vegetative state for the rest of her life and the the perpetrator was awared only a seven year RI by the esteemed and honourable judge (If I do no use these adjectives I'll be dragged for contempt of court - that's the best the criminal justice system can do for good citizens who question its "dharma"). Unfortunately again, we as a coutry have forgotten our dharma, ou...