Sectarianism, Bigotry and Intolerance - the attack on Ramakrishna Vivekananda ideology by a certain "Consciousness" cult - Part 2

 Dear "Cult" devotees and adherants, 

I had already posted the context in the part 1. Now the part 2.

One of your adherants has put forward this objection in response to my explanation in part 1 - 

"Bullshit. A realized soul has full control over mind and body, no smoking needed. These guys claim to be incarnation of God, and they can't even control their sinful and lusty minds? Disgusting! Don't justify your sinful activities by shamelessly claiming to be a “spiritual giant”. Where do shāstras recommend smoking, huh? The progress of Kali yuga is frightening."

And here goes my response:

Ah! you seem to become an expert on realized souls without being a realized soul yourself (I presume) . A nursery baby can pass comments on a PhD but his comments will be mere blabbering. You seem to reflect yoruself in the vast and luminous prism of Vivekananda through your comments. Vivekananda does not need the certification of fools and he had encountered many fools in his life time. Like all great and souls he only had compassion and love for such detractors. “Sinful”, “lusty” are pretty heavy comments for the habit of smoking. One may argue that Christ and his followers drank wine and took flesh- not very different eh!

well, that did not cut ice with this adherant. He accused me (rightfully) of strawman attack and put forward his argument against Vivekananda - 

"Your imposter guru is exposed by his nonsense teachings and the illicit practices he promoted. He can claim to be enlightened, but his behaviors clearly expose him. The Bhagavad Gita gives very clear discriptions of how a self realized person acts. He is justifying his sinful desires by claiming to be God, which is the epitome of demonic mentality. Killing animals is the most cruel act after killing humans, and he encouraged his disciples to eat meat. What a disgusting display of barbaric uncivilized behavior! Thankfully, we have discriptions of real sages, you know the ones who are free from all lust due to being situated in transcendence. They abstain from all kinds of sense gratification and still maintain perfect equilibrium. Being unable to control ones mind due to absence of sense pleasure is a typical trait of a demon, not a sage. Where do we hear of Shankaracharya smoking, to control his mind? When did the Buddha or Jesus (I know you guys are big Jesus fans) recommend smoking or meat eating? When did Rāmānuja Ācārya recommend smoking or meat? Where is the quote from Bhagavad Gita prescribing drugs and meat for the enlightened sages? What ever a great man does is followed by the general population, which is why saints should follow shāstra even after liberation. If they prove unable to, we have clear evidence that they are still under the clutches of Maya."

Dear Hindu adherants and lovers of India who belong to this cult and promote this cult - Please note the language of your coworshipper against a Hindu dharma guru. After this, either you should stop from calling yourself a Hindu and simply call yourselves as a Consciousness cult enthusiast or stop promoting this cult - I leave it to you. But wait! Here goes my answer. I am sorry that I had to attack Krishna and Parashuram - but that was only to show the flaw in his logic.

My response:

Your degree of ahimsa is very evident from the degree of violence and hate you are showing against Vivekananda. One who hurls insults to other lineages do not deserve to be spared a strawman attack. One who is enlightened, does not distinguish between a living or a non living as to the enlightened God permeates everything - sutre manigana iva - eating is for the body preservation. There is no stricture from the shastras on “not eating meat”. Can you quote any such Shastra which said that dharmagurus will not eat flesh or should not smoke? The fake understanding of Hindusim and indigestion of shastras is clearly manifest in the “iconic” statements made. So according to you both Krishna and Balarama were worst of the dharma gurus, as they both drank wine, ate flesh according to Mahabharata.

Yes, I am a Jesus’s fan as his life is worth emulating although not the Churchianity that professes to follow him. You have no idea of the diverse cultures of India and their traditions. A teacher does not come to break traditions, he builds on the top - “I come to make, not to destroy”. Shankaracharya was a Southern Brahmin, and so was Ramanuja, they just maintained their lineages. On the other hand most North Indian sages and saints followed their local culture. Eating meat and especially fish is an integral part of culture of North and especially among Bengalis. That tradition is not broken by any dharmaguru who has a Bengali body. So as per your description Ramprasad was not a real sage, nor was Bamakhyapa, nor Trailangaswamy, nor Jesus, nor Buddha, nor Guru Nanak, nor Kabir, nor Dadu.

Your religion is in your kitchen only, so be it. Why hurl insults to others for being different than yours? Is your God so meanminded that he will take major offense for eating meat and smoking? Such a meanminded God is not even worth talking about and the lineage that follows such a God is best ignored.

You are talking of sages? Parashurama is considered a avatara by the vaishnavas one of the dashavataras - well, his record of killing can surpass any other. Narsimha dug out the guts of Hiranyakashipu, I suppose out of infinite mercy and compassion! Krishna orchestrated the killing of Khandava animals and killed the asuras indiscriminately. Oh! I forgot, he is God incarnate, so he has license to go against his dictum. So where is your “non violence?”. Does that imply Krishna was the worst of hypocretes? Preaching non violence and practicing killing? Your theories don’t hold ground in your lineage itself you know? Chaitanya deva did not mind eating fish. 

To quote you - “What a disgusting display of barbaric uncivilized behavior!” Valmiki Ramayana clearly states how Sita promised wine and meat to worship mother Ganga! Does that imply Rama and Sita are fake avatars? You have mentioned about Shankaracharya - he was a caste Brahmin and hence not habituated to eat meat. But there is no recorded evidence that he did not smoke. In fact many of the Dashnamis consider it appropriate to smoke. I suppose according to you Buddha was a faka dharmaguru as he talked about non violence and yet the pork offered to him by Chundu. I can go on like this but have neither time nor patience to teach shastras to abusers and fundamentalists. First - quotes from 18 chapter of Gita - “yattu kritnasavat ekasmin karye saktam ahaitukam, atattvarthavad alpam ca tat tamasam udahrtam” - an apt description of a fundamentalist who thinks whatever he or she thinks is right and his or her predispositions of what is right and wrong is the universal right or wrong. 1) smoking - you are essentially blackflagging every smoker in the universe as sinners. Sadhus in India has a long tradition of smoking to counter the ill effects of water that they take during their parivrajak days. As Swami Vivekananda ( and his brother disciples including his Guru Ramakrishna) smoked - so did Gadadhar Pandit, a a very close disciple of Sri Chaitanya as aptly described in Chaitanya Charitamrita 2) eating meat - was never a taboo in Hindu Vedic shastras - that’s why Yagnas were for - eating meat after offering to gods. I have already given evidences from Mahabharata. Eating flesh became a taboo for Brahmins of South India under the influence of the Jains. Therefore eating or not eating meat is driven by local culture, and not by Smrutis. We worship Shakti.

Last by not the least - great Vasihnavas -direct descendant of Advaita Goswami- like Bijoykrishna Goswami revered Swami Vvekananda - but of course You and your gurus know better than him. you also know better thatn Vaisshnav charan or Bhagwandas Babaji of Kalna who revered Sri Ramakrishna knowing that he smoke and ate meat. So tell your fake gurus of your lineage about these names next time they encourage you to hurl insults at Ramakrishna Vivekananda.

I must admit my mistake which he was quick to point out - not Gadadhar Pandit but Pundarik Vidyanidhi was the smoker. But the point remains same.


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