Sectarianism, Bigotry and Intolerance - the attack on Ramakrishna Vivekananda ideology by a certain "Consciousness" cult - Part 3
Hold on consciousness cult devotees. I am not finished yet!. If you have dared to read the Part 1 and 2 of this blog, here is the third one for you. And pray! the intelligent ones among you, please do introspect. Introspect on what you are promoting.
Now look into the extent of this fellow's bigotry - am only going to give some selective quotes from his long and tortorous post -
"There is no excuse. You can run away crying like a baby, pretending to know scriptures. You will suffer in hell just like your so called guru, who suffered an early and terrible death due to his sinful life (similar to his own ”guru”, as history tends to repeat.) For insulting Krishna, you will never attain bhakti. You admit that you are strawmanning, which proves my point, you have no argument, just excuses for your sinful desires. You are killing sentient beings for your own sense gratification, and there is no excuse for that. I dare you again, to show me scriptural injunctions on smoking. Where do the vedas recommend smoking? You didn't answer that, instead you did exactly what you accused me of: insulting other sampradaya. Eating meat is a grave sin, which is only justified in the case of survival:"
Wonderful display of spirituality of the cult - doesnt this remind of Xtianity's threats of burning in hell for the heretics. BTW - from the name this fellow appears as a foreigner and X-Xtian - converted to the cult. He then goes on with his raving and ranting, selectively quoting manusmriti and atharvaveda and Mahabharata (from google or his sect's pet sources). He further justifies non killing from Bhagavat Purana.
Now look into the way this cult brainwashes - responding to the actions of Buddha, Krishna and Balarama he mentions:
"Buddha did that. He did not approve of meat eating, except in cases where it can't be avoided. Same goes for Krishna and Balarāma, who appeared in the dynasty of Kshatriyas. For Kshatriyas it is necessary to kill for dharma, and that sometimes unfortunately includes animals"
Now see how this fellow is treating Bijoykrishna Goswami - one of the most revered and sacred saints -
"I don't care about cast conscious “goswamis” who claim to be the only Vaisnavas. If someone is basing his authority over bhagavata dharma on descent, he is not considered a Vaishnava. I don't care if someone from some apasampradaya praises your fake guru for political reasons. The monist propaganda of your so called “guru” goes against the teachings of vedānta and the teachings of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu.." Well, atleast thus guys seems knowledgable about Chaitanya, but he forgets the conversation between Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Rai Ramananda which borders on divine love transcending duality - akin to monism.
Now my response - a rather lengthy one - appreciate your patience.
And it is you who is running away and taking refuge behind convoluted and one sided selective quotes from the scriptures. Hindu scriptures other than Vaishnavite Srimad Bhagavatam has given a wide berth to every kind of spiritual path, for every kind of sincere seekers, whose religion does not lie in kitchens. So anybody can justify their own viewpoints by quoting scriptures. That does not prove the inferiority or superiority. It is the Vedas that are supreme, they are smrutis, rest are smritis and are non binding. Moreover all shakta scruptures, tantra and almost every other sects have never made eating meat a taboo. And you are preaching on renouncing kama and krodha while attacking and maligning religious teacher. Isn't that your kama of establishing your sects superiority and your krodha that other teachers did not follow it leading you to attack and malign the teachers who do not fit to your definition of Hinduism
Wow! As Krishna and Balarama were Kshatriyas their meat eating and violence perpetrated is justified! I have great regards for Krishna but that is not the way I would defend him. He stood for purity, truth, maniliness and courage, and dispassion, NOT ahimsa. The ahimsa as the highest ideal in Gita stands for curbing selfish violence, attacking others for the sake of selfish gains - it has nothing to do with eating meat or not. The very fact that is delivered in the battlefield testifies that Gita does not stand for himsa or ahimsa, it proclaims the eternal duty of courage and sacrifice, renuncing every action unto the Supreme Will. If you read Mahabharata not by searching google for selective verses, you will find how meat eating was prevalent even among religious gurus. The story of dharma vyadha is enough proof of that. By espousing ahimsa to attack dharmagurus who do not fit your ideals you present yourself like the Kaushika of Mahabharata as narrated by Krishna, who took the ideal of truth to such and extent that he went to hell in the end.
Great tautology. I would claim the same for Swami Vivekananda. He was the Kshatriya sannyasi, epitome of heorism among the hindus and therefore he had every reason to eat meat. He had to preserve his body to fight against missionaries and all idiotic sects whose religion is in their kitchen and purity is defined by what they eat and what they dont eat and they don’t care to read in its entirety and understand his ideals. The ideals that are self evident in the form of a great organization providing succours to millions, true to his vision. A great teacher’s work and ideals are evidence enough. Moreover he was permitted by his own Guru to do so. If you have any iota of knowledge about Hinduism you need to know that Guru’s permission is the highest for any act. He was a Jnani and Gita itself says that Jyathaidhamsi samiddhognr bhasmasat kurute arjuna, jnanagni sarva karmani bhasmasat kurute tatha. There is no Karma or karma phala for jnanis.
The proof is whether you get enlightened by following your practice, whether you grow spiritually, in compassion and kindness, - in your case the way you are attacking other teachers not in consonant with your set theories and prejudices that yopu have been accustomed to that does not seem so. So you question yourself what is it that you are getting! You can follow your path and belief but have no right to abuse others if their paths are different. Then you are no different from ISlamic terrorists, the only difference being they kill, and you, wearing the garb of ahimsa, hurl abuses and insults! You r sect is merely an Xtian missionary sect, replacing Krishna for Christ, and borrowing all fundamentalist principles from the Churchianity. How will you or your sect understand the wornderful catholicity espoused by Hinduism.
Romain Rolland understood Vivekananda. His clarion call raised the sleeping leviathan of Hindus who took up arms as true Khatriyas to uprrot the British from India. It was the sacrifice of all the revolutionaries that eventually brought our freedom and each one of them had Gita and complete works of Swami Vivekananda as their scriptures. The British intelligence report of Charles Teggart is the proof. Ask yourself - Will you ever be in a position to inspire others so much that they give up their life willingly! Therein lies the real test of an acarya, who can teach thousands of arjunas to rise and fight the great battle. Can You or your set ever do that? If the answwer is no then you have No right to criticise and malign Vivekananda.
Ahimsa is just ONE way, way of bhaktas who espouse to be non violent. Your way is not my way or may not be others. You have no right to abuse others just because they don’t fit your way, least the spiritual teachers, because you and I don’t have the mautiruty to understand what they did and why they did. Hinduism has given a wide berth to everybody practicing religion in their own way and as long as you sincere you can succeed in your path. The yearning for God and sincere seeking is the only ideal espoused by every religion, every path, what is eaten and what is the custom is embedded in their local culture and great teachers DO not break culture. By selectively quoting scriptures nothing can be proven or disproven. You are entitled to your viewpoint and your practices but you have no right to abuse and hurl insults to the other great teachers who do not fit. I close the argument from my side not because I accept yours, but I dont find this conversation spiritually fruitful. However, if you keep insulting Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna, I can assure you your sect will soon find no takers in India. Many including the theosophists and the Bramhos have done that only at their own peril. Real himsa is egoism and selfishness. Swami Vivekananda upheld the ideals of purity, chastity and true renunciation of ego and followed that lifelong. He was Love personified. That’s why he has millions of followers across the world and that is ever increasing. By attaking and maligning him your sect is losing all its credibility. A Bengali proverb says if you spit at the sun the sun is not affected, your spit falls on you. Hinduism is NOT one size fits all and thats why we are spritually so strong. Fundamentalists and haters of Hindu dharmagurus will soon realize that at their own peril. Hiding behind Hindu scriptures and selectively quoting verses will not save your lack of spirituality.
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