
Showing posts with the label politics

Global geopolitics - A dangerous moment

Let us suppose that there are two countries in our present times, both very powerful and ruled by autocratic leaders. Both the countries have global designs and aspirations. One is an economic superpower while the other is an aspiring economic superpower. One has a grievance, a grudge that once it controlled half the world and its resources and then it was taken away from it. It still harbours the notion that it can attain glory by reconquering the lost territories and also the resources and thus become an economic superpower and again dominate the world like the cold war era. The other thinks that it is the natural heir to the throne of the world because of its size and capabilities. For a long time the world had ignored it, even oppressed it. It had suffered a lot. It ushered in a cultural revolution to drive away the influence of the foreign devils that had contaminated its soil and culture, in the process killing millions of its own citizens. The other one had been the deathbed f...

Ominous Signs

Year 2020 will probably be a turning point in the history of human civilization. There were very few periods in history when an entire human race was held hostage to a morbid fear of sickness and death, across almost all nations and vast geographies. The COVID19 or the Coronavirus or Wuhan Virus, whichever is the name given, is officially a Pandemic and has already affected more than 200,000. The figure is going on increasing. China has apparently now shut it out but no one knows if it won't strike again. America, Britain and continental (Western) Europe are down and out. Italy is the biggest casualty, others are following. Pope's closeness to God has not spared Vatican, apparently God does not believe in nepotism. In the Middle East Allah is not too pleased with Iran, although some ingenious Indian Muslims claim that the very name of Corona is derived from Koran. Now it is apparent that the casulaty figures are going to increase. In India its the sheer stupidity and brazenne...

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose - Left Wing vs. Right Wing Battle

Even though Subhas called himself as Leftist and Socialist and was enamored by Soviet Russia like so many youngsters of his day, by the revolutionary spirit, he was not a communist. He wanted to find the synthesis of a best political idea that would be rooted in India, in its traditions. He was deeply spiritual and was as much socialist as Swami Vivekananda was, viz. humanist who could sincerely feel for the oppressed, for the poor and deprived, for the labour and the masses who toiled hard to earn their living and lived on pittance. His concern for the people was not political as was the case with the communists. His concern stem from genuine love for them, just like his guru Vivekananda’s. So to dub him as a Leftist or Communist would be a dangerous aberration bordering on folly. Similarly he was averse to the communal politics. He did not partner with the Muslim League or denounced the politics of Hindu Mahasabha or changed Jana Gana Mana to Subh Sukh Chain or inducted a large nu...

Oi Mahamanab Ase - The afterlife of Netaji Subhas - Beyond the concocted aircrash part 1 One may ask that what are the evidences that the aircrash was concocted. Let us try to summarize some of the eyewitness evidences without even getting into the Bhagwanji episode. 1) There are glaring anomalies in the documented witness account of the so called crash survivors including Habibur Rahman, the main witness. Some accounts say that the body was badly burnt and death was instantaneous, others say that the clothes were on fire and Netaji was brought to the hospital stark naked, still others say that only the shirt was removed. Some say that he died in the evening, some others put the time of death as midnight. Some say that the plane nosedived from 14000 feet, while others say that the height was only few hundred feet. Initial accounts say that he was brought to Tokyo in a coffin, while the more accepted version is he was treated in a military hospital in Taihoku and only his ashes were brought to Tokyo. Eve...

Oi Mahamanab Ase - Netaji's Subhas Chandra Bose's after life and activities Part 1

A series of articles appeared in the Jayashree magazine by a certain penname called Charanik, which created some flutter in the later 1960s and 1970s. The writings were abstruse and cryptic and depicting the teachings of a certain spiritual person named Mahakaal who used to call himself a Mrito Bhoot or dead ghost. The narrations were based on journals and notes of the disciples of the aforementioned Mahakaal. Some of the intelligent mind however could ascertain the person behind Mahakaal, but the way the articles were written, they never gave away the names and the locations. Seasoned journalists like Barun Sengupta however sensed that there were more behind these articles and conjectured whether they pertained to Netaji. The articles only provided the activities, the viewpoints - both political and spiritual and some form of after life of a super human who was dead to the society. Since then, the articles have been republished by Jayashree in a book titled Oi Mahamanab Ase. The boo...

Netaji Subhas Bose's disappearance - Dr. Satyanarayana Sinha's testimony Part 3

According to Dr. Sinha's account he met a eye witness who was a Chinese spy working in a Japanese canteen. He had apparently got wind of the entire plan of the Japanese to send Netaji out to Dairen after feigning an accident. It seems for several days every day the Japanese tutored Habibur Rahman and other associates on Netaji on how the plane crash theory would be propagated. Of course he was not an interested party in the affairs of Netaji, so he had no reason to lie. Another person whom he met gave him an account of Netaji's life in Dairen. Apparently this latter person was working with Chinese Nationalists against the Chinese Communists. He was working as a barber. He saw Netaji along with other Japanese soldiers. He had already known Netaji through his work in Calcutta. So he spoke with Netaji in Bengali. In order to provide evidence this men showed Dr. Sinha a photo of Subhas Chandra Bose dressed up as a Confucian monk. Apparently this is how he had helped Netaji to rem...

Netaji Subhas Bose's disappearance - Dr. Satyanarayana Sinha's testimony Part 2

Coming back to Dr. Satyanarayana Sinha. His writing was published in Hinsdustan Standard and in Anandabazar. According to his claim, he went personally in Formossa (Taiwan) and enquired there about an aircraft accident on 18 Aug in Taipei. The response that he got was that there was no airplane accident in that port on that day. Instead an accident happened about a year back in October 1944. But that did not kill Netaji as it is very evident that he lived till August 1945. That there was no aircraft accident was a fact acknowledged by Mukherjee Commission that was set up in early 2000. Although Mukherjee Commission report was rejected by the UPA government which showed open hostility towards it and although the findings of the commission remained inconclusive on account of an alleged falsification of handwriting and DNA reports by two Government experts and two Government labs, justice Mukherjee had clearly articulated that Netaji did not die in the aircrash. The theory was false...

Netaji Subhas Bose's disappearance - Dr. Satyanarayana Sinha's testimony Part 1

There is now a renewed attempt to get the facts on Netaji straight. The incidents were deliberately obfuscated and put to burial by the erstwhile Governments on account of vested political reasons. The first Government of India started this deliberate obfuscation because of political and selfish personal interests of the then Prime Minister. The successive governments only tried to perpetuate it as otherwise many names of the ruling party Congress would have been dis-reputed because of their involvement and malafide intentions in the cover up. It was assumed that the public of India had a very short memory. The best way to give a quite burial to Netaji is to let the issue settle down and through clever means of propaganda, concealment and with the help of the brute force of the state administrations any opposition or attempt to find the truth could be overcome. The two puppet commissions - Shah Nawaz in 1956 and Khosla in 1970 were set up for the intention of giving an official stamp...

Was Rabindranath Tagore an anti nationalist

There are certain views that are floating around in intellectual circles that Rabindranath Tagore was an anti Nationalist. I am not sure why Nationalism has become a dirty word with some people, esp. with the liberal elites and the media. Nationalism, which conveys deep sense of pride and respect for one's own country is now synonymous with war mongering, chest thumping and positioning one's own country as greater than the others. No harm in taking that position, in fact the dictionary meanings also convey the similar impression. The dictionary definition of Nationalism as per  https://www.merriam- nationalism  - begins with "Loyalty and Devotion to Nation". To me that's important, even though the next few lines dilutes the main definition a little bit. Oxford dictionary defines Nationalistic as Having or expressing strong identification with one's own nation and vigorous support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or d...

Nationalism vs. Patriotism

An article appeared in Times of India by a certain Mr. Verma on the distinction between Nationalism and Patriotism. Thankfully, unlike other "liberals", the author has not used the term jingoism to denote the Nationalistic fervours. One of course cannot accuse ToI to be either a Nationalistic or a Patriotic Newspaper. It just wants to position itself as a "secular", "liberal" paper and therefore happy to give opportunity to like minded secular and liberals to express their view points, however fallacious they may be. First, on the point of Nationalism. There is a misguided perception prevalent that supporting the country's rights to defend itself from the inimical interests and protecting its interests by raising a pitch against the arch enemies is "Nationalism". Earlier they used to call it jingoism, now mercifully they have toned down the rhetoric as it finds no takers. The author carefully pins the blame on the present Government to ...

Naval Revolt (1946) and Congress's great betrayal

Naval Revolt was one of the greatest revolts in Indian history, inspired directly by the INA saga. Our history books are silent about the great sacrifices borne by the revolutionaries and the price that they had to pay. The books are also silent about another fact - the great betrayal of the politicians, esp. of Indian National Congress leaders which included Gandhi, Nehru and Patel. Jinnah's communal betrayal is anyway legendary but of Gandhi, Nehru? Of Sardar Patel - the iron man who has now the tallest statue? Well, history was written by favour seekers, not by truth seekers. That is the reason why naval revolt has been relegated to the darkest corner and we do not even remember one of the greatest events of our nation. Does Indian Navy celebrate it? Don't think so - to Navy the mutineers are traitors, just as for a long time INA was just an army of traitors to the Indian Army leadership who had to seek favour from their own political bosses. Let us now recollect what ...

War mongers and peace lovers

Is calling for war justified? In the past few weeks the events that unfolded almost resulted in a skirmish between the two bitter enemies. There have been a lot of fights over it in the social media, and in political circles. The peaceniks had started a hashtag #saynotowar. Now is that a good or a bad move? What does dharma say? Of course waging war is abominable. Any person in his or her same mind would be averse to war. However does that apply to the right to defend oneself? One's own territory? When dharma is being brutalized everyday, when one's people are killed everyday by a devious, cunning and ruthless enemy who has anyway waged a third grade proxy war for decades now? What about fights with the evil forces who kills, tortures, and subjugates, spread lies and hatred? Is war an option or should we still aim for peace? Mahabharata is clear, peace is preferable over war only when we are able to achieve a solution to our problem, i.e when we are able to turn the tides...

Blind Hatred - Undoing of the Nationhood

If we carefully study the history of India in the last millennium, we shall see that its a continuous history of backbiting, treachery and undoing of good work through personal hatred, animosity, jealousy and extreme selfishness that would often overshadow national and community interests. Every stroke of misfortune that India suffered had been on account of one of these reasons. Great men rose into prominence, great, self sacrificing men who were ready to do everything possible to resist evils in the form of conquests, but petty, mean, selfish men became their thorns, did everything to put a stop to their efforts and in the process helped India sink deeper and deeper into darkness. Blind hatred caused many problems - it invited enemies to attack the country, opened up great possibilities for its conquests and plunder and helped hatred mongers to come on a common platform to deliver a crushing blow to the object of the hate. In many cases such hatred was driven by communal passion, i...

Pulwama and exposed Scumbags

Scum Bag # 1: The moral and intellectual depravity of a certain section that claims over whatsapp messages and through social media that the Government perpetrated the killing of the jawans for electoral gains - We cannot get any lower than this. The politicians and political parties that are doing this are the worst enemies of the nation and need to be dumped. The media that is providing credence to such statements need to be boycotted. Silence of the good is no longer viable. If you are silent you are a party to the crime Known perpetrators - 1) Congress's leader in Gujarat and therefore the Congress party as a whole, since no disciplinary step has been taken against her. This can well become Congress narrative in days to come, esp. it being an election year. Also if the Government takes some decisive action the shrillness of such allegations may increase. 2) An IT cell of a political party in Bengal, perhaps TMC, because the whatspp message is being circulated in Bengali 3) Me...