Leftists , citizenship Amendment Act, NRC and some insights

The role of educationists and teachers are to build characters of the students. When we see that in the educational institutions of national prominence, professors are encouraging students to participate in an agitation or protest against Citizenship Amendment Act, we know for sure that the education system of this country is not having a  problem, it is having a crisis. First we need to understand what is the core issue. It would seem that most of the students and the leftist ecosystem that had rendered support to them that includes the so called intellectuals, belonging to both majority and minority sections, have some other agenda. Agenda is to drive home their hatred for a Government and their policies with which they do not gel well. This ecosystem has been developed and brainwashed since time immemorial to hate specific ideologies. And in the true guru sisya parampara they have bred their disciples who can take over and continue with their hate culture. They would dub themselves as liberal but would not behave like one if their interests are harmed or if their false narratives and propaganda are countered. Take for instance CAA. How many of them have read the provisions? I bet very few. In CAA the provision is to extend citizenship to the persecuted minorities that include Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Parsis, Jains and Sikhs from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan, the three Islamic countries where most of the minorities have been persecuted in the past and are still being persecuted. The caveat is that they would have come to the country before 31st Dec 2014 and would have been in the country for atleast six years. Now how does this impact the Muslims in India? According to this ecosystem the specification of religion is a violation of the article 14 of the constitution and harms the secular fabric, thus being against the preamble to the constitution. Ok, so lets take first Article 14 - "The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India”.  Also if secularism is a key concern, and State shall not deny equality, how is it that we have special statuses for minority run institutions and not, say for Ramakrishna Mission schools, although the later is adding much more value than a Madrassa? Also why do we then have temples under Government trust and control and priests getting a meagre allowance while temple funds are diverted to other work, while churches and mosques are immune from such intervention. Is this the notion of equality? 

So how is CAA violating article 14? Because Muslim refugees have not been mentioned in the CAA for providing protection. Now consider this – Is there any such case where Muslim refugees came from Pakistan and Bangladesh and stayed in refugee camps? One notable case was of Adnan Sani, in whose case Government promptly granted Indian citizenship. There is no other case of Muslims seeking refugee status in India while being persecuted in the above three countries. So what do we have instead – illegal immigrants who are seeking to infiltrate and work in India often in subhuman conditions, being victim of trafficking and often becoming willy nilly players of the terrorist or fundamentalist organizations, many of whom survive on the trafficking money and extortion from these workers. Therefore its quite natural that these organizations will work with their political bosses to try to protect their assets and give a communal angle when none exists. A section of the media with vested interest would help them. And the entire leftist ecosystem across India who take great pride in vilifying and portraying Hinduism and India in poor light because of their congenital hatred for one ideology will jump into the bandwagon and declare an all out war . They have no qualms in even siding with those Islamic countries where the persecution of minorities is rampant, to fabricate tales of how minority rights are being trampled in India and how the supposedly “anti Muslim” bill is going to make take away all rights of the Muslim minorities. But the key question that these leftists and the Muslims who are protesting against the bill would avoid is – how is this against Indian Muslims? I understand that this is discriminating against the Bangladeshi Muslims, esp. the infiltrators and illegal asylum seekers or victims of trafficking, but how does that concern Indian Muslims? This is an anti immigration law, not a law against the bonefide citizens. Also Bangladeshi Muslims, in contrast with Bangladeshi and Pakistani Hindus, are not persecuted, whatever else they may be. Their country was formed on the basis of the Two Nation Theory and they are the majority in their country enjoying all privileges and rights, including Sharia Law in some places. Only reason that was and is driving them in hordes into India is economic. But that is causing a major problem for workforce in India which already has a very large population. Also it is changing the demographics in many border districts leading to associated communal flare ups and in most cases an ethnic cleansing of the non Muslim minorities from those areas near the border and even deep inside West Bengal in the Muslim majority areas. There Hindus are scarcely found and even those who are there are allowed to lead a very difficult life, akin to their fellow citizens in the interior areas of Bangladesh and Pakistan. So how this bill is dangerous to Indian Muslims, even for that matter those who had already illegally infiltrated and settled by the grace of their political mentors?

The answer lies in one sinister game plan. But lets first see the other view point. At this stage the leftist and their ecosystem is screaming – You do not understand the agenda of the right wing Hindutwavadis, the Sanghis, the Hindufascists – they want to wipe out all the Muslims. How? Through a lethal combination of NRC and CAA – is their answer. How? They say that through NRC the fascist Government would identify the illegal immigrants – both Hindus and Muslims and also the genuine Muslims & possibly Hindus who do not have documents would be termed as immigrants. And then they would ensure that the Hindu stays back by using CAA while the Muslim is deported. Wow! Now you are saying that you are waging all these battles because you perceive that there is a risk that Muslims not possessing valid documents will be deported by a clever combination of the application of NRC and CAA (somebody also mentioned in twitter that the sinister design includes passport law amendments to deny any passport to Muslims and so on…people can invent anything these days just to suit their narratives as there is no such provision in passport law, it simply will not stand judicial scrutiny). 

Ok, let us consider a hypothetical situation where a nationwide NRC is applied as stated by Amit Shah. Now NRC is not a new concept, it was prepared way back in 1951, but not updated since thanks to the votebank politicians. The NRC was launched in the state of Assam under the guidance of Supreme Court in 2013 (under the “secular” UPA Government, not under the “rabidly communal” Modi Government) to include the names of those persons whose names had been there in 1951 register and their bona fide descendants. There was a huge influx of Bangladeshi refugees, mostly Hindus in the aftermath of 1951 and 1971 under terrible persecution in East Pakistan. The purpose of the NRC update in the state of Assam is to identify Indian citizens - who are presently residents of the state - so that illegal migrants who entered the state after midnight on 24 March 1971 can be identified. The NRC is entirely under the guidance of the Supreme Court and it is expected that when it is rolled out across India, if at all, it will continue to be the under the jurisdiction of the highest court, thus rejecting any possibility of malpractice by any vested interest. In Assam around 19 lakh illegal immigrants were detected through NRC, most of them being Hindus. A common allegation was that Muslim infiltrators because of their political and community affliliations were very easily able to secure citizenship documents like ration card, aadhar card, bank account, voter id card etc. while the Hindus could not, thinking that they would get automatic refuge in their country where the majority is Hindu. Sadly, they were mistaken. CAA process ensures that they would be saved. However a name in the NRC list would not mean automatic deportation, but appearance in a foreigner’s tribunal where they can argue their case under a bona fide judicial process. There are three levels of verification in NRC for an applicant – field verification, office verification and family trees. Computerized Family Trees (CFTs) with Manual Family Trees (MFTs) would be the most accurate method to determine the authenticity of claims of the NRC applicants. So there is an elaborate process. There are a host of documents that are allowed for ancestors and for the descendants . But this criteria of list A, list B and 1971 applicability is unique to Assam, surely for other Indian states other criteria will be worked out. 

We can only trust the judiciary to do justice. India has a hyperactive media and a judiciary. If there are instances of genuine people being discriminated against will that hold good under the supervision of Supreme Court? So basically the leftists are raising a bogey of what they perceive is likely to happen and thereby agitating the Muslims and leftist students across universities to violently protest by burning buses and trains and by destroying Government properties. Their grievance is not based on any genuine incident but mere perception. Or they are trying to protect the illegal immigrants -the Bangladeshi Muslims and Rohingyas because they would serve the vested interests. There the more sinister part comes up. Just as our leftist friends perceive that there is more to CAA implementation, another section perceives that there is more to these engineered protests. 1) There is a section of the Muslims who have undoubtedly always believed in the superiority of their culture over that of the Hindus – that was the basis of the Two Nation theory. After independence a part of that section stayed back with a larger goal in mind, to work towards a Ghazwa-e-Hind, to radicalize sections of Muslim youths, to create communal troubles, set themselves up as communal votebank, establish their laws and practices across and try to gain majority in as many areas as possible through faster rate of procreation but also through illegal immigration of the community members from the neighbouring countries. They have always enjoyed political support through an assured votebank. Their end goal being to establish the law of Sharia and to reconquer India through various means including illegal infiltration, conversion, love jihads and procreation. This is another fear psychosis being propagated by a section of the right wingers. This is akin to the persecution mania displayed by the leftists to engineer the violent protests across 2) The more plausible explanation is that illegal immigrants contribute in large part to votebank and also illegal economy by trafficking fees, extortion money and by getting engaged in various nefarious activities including drug, terrorism etc. So they are a vital asset for the political parties who encourage such practices. Hence they will have to engineer protests to protect their assets by taking help from the rabid Mullahs and by encouraging the leftists to continue with their fear mongering as a natural sequel of their hatred or Hinduphobia. So that is the story behind all the hullah. Therefore our country is in a major cross road – it will either be divided till sanity is restored and people start dumping the fear mongering crowd and unite for larger and better causes, or be destroyed from within and without. Our neighbouring countries that would do anything to wage 1000 years of war, the foreign powers and pretty much all enemies of India are keenly watching the game and aiding and abetting the chaos and fear mongering by sponsoring their internal agents and other paid agents to carry out the tirades. In the process some good gullible people are becoming victims and our education sector is disintegrating under the pressure of the cultural genocide.

Bhagwanji was right. God will have to incarnate again to save India from the state that Nehru and his successors have led her to.


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