End of Elite Raj

Shudra Jagaran was Swami Vivekanananda's dream. He advised the elites to retire and give way to shudras who would be the next world force to reckon with. He predicated that Indians would rise from every nook and corner of villages and slums, would aspire after the best in the world and then the world would begin to take serious notice of India which they have so far mocked and derided as a country of illiterate and obnoxious casteist Hindus. They are right to do so. For this is how India's elite had painted India for generations, esp. in the last twenty years or so. The so called liberals and the mainstream media had gone overboard in painting India as a country of either dead woods who understand nothing or hardened fundamentalists who would fall for something which they derisively termed as "Hindutva". The rest, the gang of elites, the most intelligent, most liberal and so on, are secular, whatever that word means. 

This is however not a unique situation in Indian history. it was very much there during Swami Vivekananda's time as well. Instead of the secular lobby, it was the Christian missionaries who derided everything associated with Hinduism and they were ably supported by some of the elites of India. Orthodox Hindus, by hardening their stand and by advocating and vainly justifying the same mistakes which had degraded the country to a state to stupour, damaged their own cause. However there came a Tsunami in the form of a young man, who single handedly busted and destroyed all myths, proclaimed the universality of Hinduism and established credence and good feeling for his country by causing all better thinking people to rally behind him and his cause. He however was bitter about the elites, the Bhibhisanas of India, who would have no qualms in attacking their own root and culture.

The elites are still there, their forces have multiplied and they are controlling today's mainstream media. They are now huddled in a corner, because they begin to see the glimpse of truth in Swamiji's prophecy. Only out of sheer blindness and ignorance they are not recognizing signs of times. They have gone to that extent of undermining their own country that the so called Europeans and Americans whose think themselves to be liberal, and whose liberal attitudes always stops short when ever their self interests are jeopardized, so much so that they do not even think once before bombing another country to smithereens, calls India a country of "persecuted Muslims". That was the headline in one of the American newspapers. That is because of the attitude of the Indian elites who shudder to pass on the privileges that they enjoy to the Shudras and yet shed crocodile tears for them. They still think that masses can be subordinated by doling out freebies and promises of doling out more freebies. But the masses, the Shudras, have long outgrown such promises and freebies. They have now turned, in the language of the elites, "more aspirational", as if that is unjustified and uncalled for. The elites, still align themselves with foreign scholars and media to deride everything associated with Indian culture, calling it as "Hindutva". They proclaim themselves to be liberal and perpetuate fear psychosis among minorities thinking that the only thing that appeals to minorities is the fear of a rule of Hindus. 

But the elites are extremely detached from the ground realities. Minorities are not dissociated from the ground realities. The poorest and the most exploited among them are as vulnerable and as "aspirational" as the Shudras and they are also no longer satisfied with the freebies being doled out as if they are out there with a beggars bowl. Except for the power hungry and corrupt clerics and the intellectuals among minorities who in return of favour can go to any extent, and the fundamentalists who any way have a visceral hatred for India and Hindus, the minorities have begun to understand the ground realities. They do not trust the elitists any more. They would rather align themselves with the Shudras and claim their rights for better life than follow their clerics and fundamentalist leaders as well as the so called liberal elites meekly. Everybody, except the elites and the fundamentalists know one thing, that India is the most peace loving country in the world. In its long history it has never attacked any other country. Its people have always lived and let others live with dignity, irrespective of such a huge diversity. Any other country with a diversity like India would have broken apart long back. But India lives on, deriving its strength from an unknown source within, a fountain that never dries up. 

Only when the Shudras rise India shall become stronger, better. To earn respect we need to be strong, we need to rally behind strong leaders who can make our country gain the position that it deserves. A long rule of the elites have severely dented the self confidence of the country by undermining whatever good it stands for - its culture, its golden past, its spirituality, its ideal. Now, in the language of Swamiji, it is time for the elites to vanish altogether and make way for the Shudras to rise. Sooner they do it, the better for the country and the people. The elites, in association with the Americans and Europeans had chained the elephant. Shudras would unchain it so that it would run and the first rampage it would cause would be in the backyard of the same elites who had chained and tortured it for long.


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