Rig Veda to Purana - maintaining continuity - Part 1
I have often wondered that if our ancient chronicles are true then how can there be such a wide divergence between Vedas and Puranas as per the interpretation of Western savants and their desi followers, esp. if the chronicler of both are Veda Vyasa. Then either all our ancient texts are false or fundamental interpretations are grossly incorrect. Vedas are mostly considered to be nature worship by a group of marauding invaders who thrust upon an alien culture on a native population whom they labelled as Dasyus or Dasas and themselves as Arya or noble. Puranas and Mahabharata Ramayana are largely considered to be mythologies though off late there are some scholars who grudgingly admits that after all "some portions" of these stories may be true though largely they are figments of imaginations of wonderfully fertile brains. After a careful deliberation and study I would like to contend that there is no discontinuity from Vedas to Puranas, and the divergences among the scrip...