Chaotic Traffic
In India, one thing that is starkly different from developed world is the chaotic traffic and absolute lack of discipline and courtsey on roadways. Like other things in our lives, we take too many things for granted on roads. We fail to give the due courtesy to other road users, we are ignorant of road usage rules, we do not bother to learn the rules and take a great pleasure in violating them. Jumping the signal is a common practice, so also blind turns and dangerous overtakes. Bikers resent the fact that they will have to wear a helmet and they openly disobey the rule. The ignorant fools are not even bothered about their own safety, that wearing a helmet is endangering none but themselves. That even in low speed of 20-30kmph accidents can be fatal. Everybody jostles to go before others and result is a traffic jam, the thing that road users dont understand is that a disciplined traffic will never result in a traffic jam situation as there will always be rules to guide people out of the mess. The following simple practices might go a long way in improving the traffic situation in India and in preventing unnecessary loss of lives - 1.Strengthening of traffic rules, esp. with regard to drunk drivings, accidents and violation of rules like signals, cutting lanes and dangerous drivings at intersetions 2. installing cameras at critical locations for detecting speed limit and other violations, automtaic traffic signals and traffic police outposts at strategic locations, mobile police patrols 3. Speed limit should be governed by signposts and not speed breakers which restrict mobility and is also very very temporary. Whereas speed limit signposts can govern an entire area the speed breaker will only restrict speed for a limited space. A uniform speed limitin a city or in a specific locality is the need. However the speed restrictions need to be monitored, because Indian drivers have no respect for rules 4. Comprehensive traffic education for all - how to cross roads at pedestrian crossings only, how to drive carefully at pedestrian crossings, when and how to turn, where to control speeds etc> this should start with educating the driving school instructors first. Most of them are uneducated guys who dont have any road sense themselves. It should also be mandatory before handing our license to go for a week's driving training and sensitization on road usage given by educated experts, for all drivers 5. Theoritical tests and eye tests should be compulsory before giving a license 6. Bus and taxi lanes in cities, special roads for cyclists and pedestrians, pedestrian or traffic calming zones where motorzed vehicles are banned 7. On highways emergency phone booths at every fixed stretch. Highwy police patrols to stop any criminal activity or help accident victims. Highways should be well lighted with shoulders and complete bannig of cattles and stray pedestrians and cyclists as well as bullock carts, tractors etc on highways 8. A good sammaritan law whereby people rendering help to accident victims should be made mandatory and lack of such behaviour should be punishable These simple steps will go a long way in ensuring that traffic situation in India improves and a lot less lives are in danger
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