End of Path for Leftism
One man of superior intelligence, military and spiritual genius with incredible foresight and intense love for his country, had predicted in the 60s that India will be rocked by frequent battles between leftists and nationalists. It is to be remembered that BJP was non existent in the 60s. Congress was then a nationalist party but it was leftist as well. There was no issue or contention between Congress and left except for state level battles. Also leftist elites enjoyed the patronage of Congress so there was no award wapsi or intolerance brigade back then. The media was largely pliant except Indian Express during the Bofors days. There were no ideological skirmishes. The real battle between leftists and nationalists began after 2016, when the surgical strikes, Balakot airstrikes and a plethora of issues pertaining to Indian national interest vs. narrow communal interest assumed significant proportion of media and elite leftist attention. The students organizations so far dominated ...