Selective Outrage or Sympathy - A Curious Case of Interesting Contrasts
One of the key trends that we see today in social media are that people are easily outraged by any incident that they associate with, in terms of their own beliefs, values and core ideologies, but remain mute, try to trivialize or just ignore when a similar incident happens with a segment or sub segment or individual that do not conform to their beliefs and values. This is also evident in case of mainstream media where stories are often described, blogs are written and editorials are posted on horrendous and nefarious crimes against humanity when that crime is committed to a selective group, while completely ignoring or downplaying possibly similar or more horrendous atrocities against other groups. There are actions and reactions. When atrocities evoke outrage from a group, the opposite group tries to divert attention to a more vicious atrocity or similar incident, completely ignoring or forgetting the fact that by the very act they are acting in the same manner as they are acc...