Perspectives on Life
Life has many interesting dimensions. The reason why they are interesting is that you can draw so many parallels and analogies. One of the analogies is, for instance, stock market. Like stock market life has ups and downs, and the volatilities may vary from person to person and from period to period. For some periods life is drab, boring, monotonous, which means very low volatility or extreme form of stability, while at other times it is stormy, with extreme volatility, so that it gets difficult to cope with. The other aspect is that like stock market life is influenced by so many factors in the external environment – relationships, economy, weather, many of which are beyond our control. The ups and downs are temporary phases, every upswing will pave the way for a downswing and vice versa, only the period of fluctuation may vary. Like individual stocks in a portfolio, the events in a life can move in different directions at different phases. While some may move up, others may come down...