Definition of Intolerance

No, I am not talking about the dictionery definition. I am simply talking about the inability to accpet a different point of view - be it in religion, politics or in any sphere of life. Intolerance is a great divider, it creates an insurmountable barrier. A greater degree of intolerance is called fanaticism, whereby human beings forget all rational logical thoughts and call it ego or brainwash, that takes over senses completely. Under such a circumstance man can kill, steal or do anything to establish his idea's superiority over others.
We are all intolerant, to a greater or lesser extent, racism is a form of intolerance. Come to think of it, even marital discords are nothing but intolerance. We create enemies because we are intolerant. Office politics is nothing but intolerance - of perhaps the success of a colleague.
Now what is tolerance? Tolerance is the ability to see other points of view, to accept facts as facts and discard dogmas, to acquire the wisdom to understand that divergence and convergence of ideas are necessary for civilization and mankind to flourish.


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