
problems plaguing bengal

I normally do not like to write political blogs and express my political opinion, because I believe politics, like religion is every individual's own belief, and must not be a matter of heated debate or discussion. However, I thought that some facts should be highlighted because in this era information and misinformation both travel hand in hand. The situations narrated below consist mostly of facts and some analysis but rarely of opinions (except at the end). It is not a newspaper article (which incidentally nowadays is almost always devoid of facts and full of opinions, of the reporter, editor and the newspaper group head). West Bengalis must be having a ball of a time. Not a single day passes without some major news on the papers, becoming subjects of heated discussions and addas. It all started in 2000 when Buddhadeb Bhattacharya first came to power. Indian media went into a frenzy as he was the so called "liberal communist" ( an oxymoron if u ask me), who believed in...

Musings from Deustchland -4

Driving License I happen to possess a driving license (Fuererschein) of Deustchland. As to how I acquired it is a long story. Driving in German roads, esp. autobahns is a sheer plreasure which few people want to forego. Therefore I also decided to exchange my Indian license for a German one. A German driving license is a lifelong possession because once obtained, you need not renew it, however getting it is difficult. An Indian driving license holder can drive for 6 months in Germany on his international drivers permit after landing in Germany, after which he will have to take a German driving license in order to drive on roads. There are some countries with which Germany has automatic driving license exchange arrangements, inluding some states of US. For others like India, people need to undergo a written exam and a practical test. Some important information pertaining to the same is provided here - The exchange needs to happen within 3 ye...

Musings from Deutschland -3

Other Animals One remarkable thing about Stuttgart is the complete absence of any crow or scavenger bird. Perhaps they dont have much spoils to live on, Germans being quite eccentric about their wastes, a parctice which I shall discuss later in detail. I was delighted to find crows and sparrows when I visited Berlin. I instantly felt at home. Probably thats the nearest perching point for crows flying from east and they are no longer allowed to travel any further. Perhaps crows also have border controls and immigration and thefefore crows from east get to move only until Berlin and no further by German crows(if there are any). I have seen Bavarian crows who are much larger in size than their Indian counterparts and much more philosophical (they can sit at a stretch in one place and think, unthinkable for Indian crows). Bavarian crows can be seen on Zugspitze, the highest point in Germany (3000 m above sea level). How they came to fly above 3000 m is anybody's guess, however they sit...

Musings from Deutschland-2

Animals The other day I came across a pathetically black cat near my window. She was perhaps devising some schemes of entering my kitchen in search of some delicacies (Alas! the state of affairs in my kitchen is perhaps not known to her). I was willing to offer her hospitatlity but I wasnt sure about the tastes and preferences of a German cat, esp. a female one. A German cat, like a German girl, is unpredictable (For that matter most girls, irrespective of their nationalities, are unpredictable!). Had it been a Bengali cat, I would have gladly offered her delicacies like fish and milk, but a true memsahib like her may not like such native food, so I offered her some biscuits along with tea. She refused to degrade herself by touching such lowly means of sustenance and looked at me with such contempt and disdain that I was ashamed of myself. Finally she, perhaps being a little irritated at such abject lack of manners, strolled away leisurely. I heard from one of my friends that in Germa...

Musings from Deutschland -1

Humanism vs. Barbarsim Perhaps when we look in retrospect to a specific period in history we realize how short sighted the masses living in that period were. When we analyze history we are apalled to at the miscalculations done by the leaders during this period and are flabbergasted to think how the masses followed their footsteps like a flock of bleeting sheep. Yet, we hardly realize that we are also committing the same mistakes in our era. we analyze, criticize, but never learn ourselves. Events in history, time and again, are repetitive and so are the great blunders. They may occur at different places in different times, nevertheless, they occur.Nature of the follies, committed by mankind across different times and spaces are also same. Now, after reading books written by British and US historians, glorifying their victory and villifying Germany, we tend to think, why didnt the Germans overthrow such a cruel and barbaric regime of Nazis.But the fact remains that though externally we...

Ode to President Kalam

I dont like politics. And I dont like politicians. Infact its an understatement, actually I hate Indian politicians -most of them, barring a few good men. My disdain for Indian politics and politicians was even greater when one of the great leaders and visioneries of our time had to bow out humbly from office. Unscrupulous political parties (a set of most regressive and arrogant antinational bunch, calling themselves UPA, a set of utterly confused and self destructive group called NDA, and a gang of thugs calling themselves UNPA) had always their own interest before the interest of the country. And even though some of them requested Kalam to stay back and fight, it was more to serve their own interest than country's. Kalam is most sought after by middle class Indians, as he is an icon - of educated enlightened mind, of simplicity, of remarkable intellect and intelligence, of compassion and kindness, of being a visionery, in stark contrast to political leaders who are - 1. myopic 2....

Unnecessary controversy

There is a raging debate going on over Vande Mataram and some unscrupulous elements in our society are taking the full advantage to demean Jana Gana Mana. I suppose people of India has no work. I suppose I also have no work if I go on pondering and making comments over this. but I couldnt resist, because I am concerned. if such non issues ferment no much hatred what will real issues do? The issue has now taken its ugly shape in some of the rable rousers questioning the patriotism of Tagore and some other questioning the patriotism of other communities because apparently some Muslim religious leaders view Vande Mataram as anti Islam. Course its the same oppurtunism reigning supreme with every Indian political and religious leader. And the same is true of the people who are either half literates or illiterates to either blindly follow them or launch a scathing attack other religious communities and blindly defend the National song, even at the expense of National Anthem. Politicians and ...

Chaotic Traffic

In India, one thing that is starkly different from developed world is the chaotic traffic and absolute lack of discipline and courtsey on roadways. Like other things in our lives, we take too many things for granted on roads. We fail to give the due courtesy to other road users, we are ignorant of road usage rules, we do not bother to learn the rules and take a great pleasure in violating them. Jumping the signal is a common practice, so also blind turns and dangerous overtakes. Bikers resent the fact that they will have to wear a helmet and they openly disobey the rule. The ignorant fools are not even bothered about their own safety, that wearing a helmet is endangering none but themselves. That even in low speed of 20-30kmph accidents can be fatal. Everybody jostles to go before others and result is a traffic jam, the thing that road users dont understand is that a disciplined traffic will never result in a traffic jam situation as there will always be rules to guide people out of th...

Gandhi - the relevance

I saw a lot of venom spitting against Gandhi in one of the website. While I am all for free speech , I beg to differ with some its comments, esp. about our father of the nation. One of the common tool of the Gandhi bashers is to portray him as some sort of pervert, sleeping with nude girls. Well, Gandhi had admitted in his my experiments with truth that he had a great carnal desire in youth and later he regretted it so much that he took the vow of celebacy. He probably so much wanted to conquer desire that he slept with his granddaughters in nude. Sounds fantastic, unnatural instinct, but possible. After all any great man will strive to overcome weaknesses esp. a weakness which for him is a perennial source of embarassment. He was fighting a tough battle with himself for overcoming his shortcomings and he devised his own ingenious methods for doing the same. Was Gandhi soft with Pakistan? Was he partial to Muslims and was apathetic to Hindu woes? Doesn't seem so, he went all the wa...

Subhas Bose - the debate never dies

Subhas Bose is alive.. very much. The controversies surrounding him refuse to die. the latest addition being the Justice Mukherjee commission report. Perhaps this was the one single report which was kind of impartial and unbiased, without any regard to satisfying the political masters. And so were its findings. A myth which was created around a plane crash that never happened, a forceful denunciation of many facts, concealment of a lot of information from public knowledge- successive Indian Govts have been guilty of all these.. but now perhaps is the time for truth to come out.. better late than never. The Congress Govt as usual is trying its best to dodge, ignore or at its worst attempt so far obfuscate the findings of the report..I hope it never succeeds.. Whats the truth? that Nehru was a sworn enemy of Subhas is well known.. that communists who called him Indian Quisling and Tojo's dog were no better is also well known.. Did Subhas manage to escape to Russia? did he want the he...