
Oi Mahamanab Ase Part 4 - Why Netaji did not come out of his hiding Those who are debating in various forums as to why Netaji did not come out of his hiding and therefore the Bhagwanji angle is wrong and those who are claiming that he had PTSD and therefore did not come out upon compulsion, should read the book Oi Mahamanab Ase thoroughly. There Bhagwanji categorically states why he did not come out. He was a spymaster who was engaged in geopolitical activities in extreme secrecy. His stated goal was (and also probably is) the reintregration of his mother land - Janani Janbhoomi, which meant both Bengal and India. He stated that the partition was a big conspiracy hatched against Bengal in particular by the British and subsequently by JLN. It was because Bengal was the powerhouse behind the revolutionary activities. Bengal was economically powerful and Bengal was the main supporter of Netaji, the arch enemy of the JLN combine. Therefore along with the valiant Punjab, Bengal had to be...

Few logical fallacies in the arguments of Dr. Purabi Roy - Netaji mystery

Dr. Roy, eminent researcher and scholar on Netaji has claimed in public forums that Gumnami Baba or Bhagwanji was actually a plant of Nehru and Indira Gandhi. She claimed that he was a dummy. She said that she had the privilege of seeing a secret intelligence bureau report in which B.N Mullick, the intelligence tzar had advised Nehru that to prevent Subhas from reappearing a prudent measure would be to set up 10 dummies, so that people get confused when the real one appears. First, she has so far not been able to produce an iota of evidence in favour. Second, there is a major problem with her logic. If Bhagwanji was a dummy, where was the original? A dummy is only needed when there is an original. Unless the original appears the dummy is not needed to be set up. Third, how could Indira Gandhi set up Bhagwanji as dummy when Bhagwanji had been around since 1953 as per testimony of reliable witnesses? Fourth - why would there be no publicity until 1985, after the supposed death or di...

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Oi Mahamanab Ase - Life after death of Netaji subhas Chandra Bose Part 3 One of the key and profound statements of Bhagwanji in the book Oi Mahamanb Ase is that "I have undergone a complete Metamorphosis." In fact this is the theme taken by Anuj Dhar and Chandrachud Ghosh in their last chapter of the book Conundrum, Subhas Bose's Life After Death. They key point which Bhagwanji wanted to make is that one should not judge him by his utterances and professed ideologies thirty or forty years ago as he had been changed completely, through the experiences and the ordeals undergone by him. One proposition that the authors of the above book bring forward based on some of the anomalies observed by them is Bhagwanji's metamorphosis is also driven by PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Their hypothesis is that Bhagwanji underwent severe torture in Russian concentration camps and thereby lost his mental balance in the later stages of his life. Therefore he never came out in th...

Oi Mahamanab Ase - Netaji's Subhas Chandra Bose's after life and activities Part 2 Jayasree, the magazine was started by Leela Roy, a famous revolutionary in 1931. Its cover page was designed by Nandalal Bose  and the introductory message was given by Rabindranath Tagore. Because of its umcompromising stand during the British rule and its open support for the revolutionaries, it was banned for a brief period by the British. Jayasree was and still is a magazine dedicated to Indian Nationalism and in promoting the ideals of Subhas Chandra Bose.  Leela Roy, nee Nag, was an inspiration herself. She was a well respected freedom fighter, the founder of Sri Sangha and Deepali Sangha, a champion of woman's emancipation who established schools for women's education, the first M.A from Dhaka University. When she joined Sri Sangha, she met her future husband Anil Baran Roy, an erudite scholar and academician and revolutionary. Together they aligned with Subhas Chandra Bose, the rising star of In...

Oi Mahamanab Ase - Netaji's Subhas Chandra Bose's after life and activities Part 1

A series of articles appeared in the Jayashree magazine by a certain penname called Charanik, which created some flutter in the later 1960s and 1970s. The writings were abstruse and cryptic and depicting the teachings of a certain spiritual person named Mahakaal who used to call himself a Mrito Bhoot or dead ghost. The narrations were based on journals and notes of the disciples of the aforementioned Mahakaal. Some of the intelligent mind however could ascertain the person behind Mahakaal, but the way the articles were written, they never gave away the names and the locations. Seasoned journalists like Barun Sengupta however sensed that there were more behind these articles and conjectured whether they pertained to Netaji. The articles only provided the activities, the viewpoints - both political and spiritual and some form of after life of a super human who was dead to the society. Since then, the articles have been republished by Jayashree in a book titled Oi Mahamanab Ase. The boo...

Swami Ashokananda a leading luminary of Vedanta in the West

Swami Ashokananda - many people have not heard the name. Who is he, they may be asking. He incidentally was named as one of the best intellects of India by an Indian PM to the president of America in the 1950s. Swami Ashokananda was daring enough to attack Gandhiji and his ideals in 1930 in his editorials in Prabuddha Bharat when Gandhiji's popularity was in the zenith and his weird socialist ideals were lapped up by almost every leader true to his salt. Ashokananda ventured into a debate with Gandhiji on his assertions and emerged triumphant. But even his brother monks did not like it, so was the power of Gandhiji at that time. However how prophetic he was. Gandhian ideals were incompatible for India, he wanted the message of strength for India, not weakness of Ahimsa. Years later, he told ruefully to his disciple, "Gandhi was a holy man, but a stupid man. He had his pert hobby, Ahimsa and he put his hobby above his country's interest." He claimed himself to be a d...

Book Review - Conundrum - Subhas Bose's Life after Death

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is a very special name for any patriotic Indian. Any book on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose would attract interest, esp. if the book is titled as Life after Death of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. There are controversies surrounding his alleged disappearance. Government had set up a committee in 1956 which was headed by INA veteran Shah Nawaz Khan. The conclusion of that committee was the affirmation of the official version that Netaji had died in the 1945 plane crash. But Suresh Chandra Bose, the sejda of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, who was a part of the committee did not agree with its findings and submitted a Dissent report which pointed out many flaws with the committee’s findings. In 1970 a one man commission was set up under Justice G.D Khosla to probe Netaji’s death. The conclusion remained the same, that Netaji died in plane crash in 1945. The controversy thus remained dormant for a long time till 1985 September when an unknown Sadhu, called Gumnami Baba ...

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose as an ascetic - Why it is entirely possible

The people who doubt that Netaji ever came back to India by literally rising from the dead have many questions. The first and foremost is of course, if he at all came back why didn't he announce himself? Why did he choose to remain as a recluse, as an ascetic? They claim that it was uncharacteristic of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose not to declare himself, not to become a sensation as he would have always done. They said that they cannot believe that Netaji feared for his life and therefore chose to remain hidden from public. They therefore claim that all the stories about Netaji becoming a sannyasin are false. The sadhus are dummies created by the political class for hoodwinking people. In the context of Gumnami Baba or Bhagwanjee being Netaji, let us try to analyze why he could not appear before the public and only could reveal himself to a select few. There are however very good reasons of Netaji's choosing the life of a recluse, a hermit and not announcing himself to the ...

Netaji Subhas Bose's disappearance - Dr. Satyanarayana Sinha's testimony Part 3

According to Dr. Sinha's account he met a eye witness who was a Chinese spy working in a Japanese canteen. He had apparently got wind of the entire plan of the Japanese to send Netaji out to Dairen after feigning an accident. It seems for several days every day the Japanese tutored Habibur Rahman and other associates on Netaji on how the plane crash theory would be propagated. Of course he was not an interested party in the affairs of Netaji, so he had no reason to lie. Another person whom he met gave him an account of Netaji's life in Dairen. Apparently this latter person was working with Chinese Nationalists against the Chinese Communists. He was working as a barber. He saw Netaji along with other Japanese soldiers. He had already known Netaji through his work in Calcutta. So he spoke with Netaji in Bengali. In order to provide evidence this men showed Dr. Sinha a photo of Subhas Chandra Bose dressed up as a Confucian monk. Apparently this is how he had helped Netaji to rem...

Netaji Subhas Bose's disappearance - Dr. Satyanarayana Sinha's testimony Part 2

Coming back to Dr. Satyanarayana Sinha. His writing was published in Hinsdustan Standard and in Anandabazar. According to his claim, he went personally in Formossa (Taiwan) and enquired there about an aircraft accident on 18 Aug in Taipei. The response that he got was that there was no airplane accident in that port on that day. Instead an accident happened about a year back in October 1944. But that did not kill Netaji as it is very evident that he lived till August 1945. That there was no aircraft accident was a fact acknowledged by Mukherjee Commission that was set up in early 2000. Although Mukherjee Commission report was rejected by the UPA government which showed open hostility towards it and although the findings of the commission remained inconclusive on account of an alleged falsification of handwriting and DNA reports by two Government experts and two Government labs, justice Mukherjee had clearly articulated that Netaji did not die in the aircrash. The theory was false...

Netaji Subhas Bose's disappearance - Dr. Satyanarayana Sinha's testimony Part 1

There is now a renewed attempt to get the facts on Netaji straight. The incidents were deliberately obfuscated and put to burial by the erstwhile Governments on account of vested political reasons. The first Government of India started this deliberate obfuscation because of political and selfish personal interests of the then Prime Minister. The successive governments only tried to perpetuate it as otherwise many names of the ruling party Congress would have been dis-reputed because of their involvement and malafide intentions in the cover up. It was assumed that the public of India had a very short memory. The best way to give a quite burial to Netaji is to let the issue settle down and through clever means of propaganda, concealment and with the help of the brute force of the state administrations any opposition or attempt to find the truth could be overcome. The two puppet commissions - Shah Nawaz in 1956 and Khosla in 1970 were set up for the intention of giving an official stamp...


In an artificial neural network, every neuron chosen has certain parameters or weights and biases associated with every feature. So decision making is basically dependent on the weights that we assign to the different parameters and the assigned biases. The weights are adjusted as we move through the back propagation so that the loss is minimized. This is also the way in which a rational choice happens. All our decisions are based on certain evaluation criteria or factors. We already have inherent biases that influence that decision making process. The weights are adjusted according to our perception or analysis of the situation often driven by our ego or emotional conditions. We rationalize our decisions. So in effect there is nothing black and white. Its all shades of gray that we operate with. The world is a complex maze of choices that operate within the realms of gray of varying degree. In choosing our partners to choosing the political party to choosing the religion or for that...