
Practical Vedanta excerpts from Swami Vivekananda - Part 9

Courtesy Sanjeeb Maharaj - Swami Dheyananda of Ramakrishna Mission Students' Home Belgharia Excerpt from the lecture   Practical Vedanta - Part I V delivered by Swami Vivekananda in London According to dualistic theory, we have a body, of course, and behind the body there is what they call a fine body. This fine body is also made of matter, only very fine. It is the receptacle of all our Karma, of all our actions and impressions, which are ready to spring up into visible forms.   Every thought that we think, every deed that we do, after a certain time becomes fine, goes into seed form, so to speak, and lives in the fine body in a potential form, and after a time it emerges again and bears its results. These results condition the life of man. Thus he moulds his own life.   Man is not bound by any other laws excepting those which he makes for himself. Our thoughts, our words and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw round ourselves, for good or for evil. Onc...

Practical Vedanta excerpts from Swami Vivekananda - Part 8

Courtesy Sanjib Maharaj - Swami Dheyananda of RKM Students' Home Belgharia “We are in reality that Infinite Being, and our personalities represent so many channels through which this Infinite Reality is manifesting Itself; and the whole mass of changes which we call evolution is brought about by the soul trying to manifest more and more of its infinite energy… Each one of us has come out of one protoplasmic cell, and all the powers we possess were coiled up there.   You cannot say they came from food; for if you heap up food mountains high, what power comes out of it?  The energy was there, potentially no doubt, but still there. So is infinite power in the soul of man, whether he knows it or not. Its manifestation is only a question of being conscious of it.    Slowly this infinite giant is, as it were, waking up, becoming conscious of his power, and arousing himself; and with his growing consciousness, more and more of his bonds are breaking, chains are bursting...

Practical Vedanta excerpts from Swami Vivekananda - Part 7

Courtesy Sanjib Maharaj - Swami Dheyananda of RK Mission Students' Home “I shall call you religious from the day you begin to see God in men and women… Whatever comes to you is but the Lord, the Eternal, the Blessed One, appearing to us in various forms, as our father, and mother, and friend, and child -- they are our own soul playing with us... He is in everything. He is everything. Every man and woman is the palpable, blissful, living God… It is better that we know we are God and give up this fool's search after Him; and knowing that we are God we become happy and contented… Truth is within us, we have It as our birthright, and we have only to manifest It, and make It tangible.”    – Swami Vivekananda Excerpt from the lecture  Practical Vedanta - Part II  delivered by Swami Vivekananda at London "He whom you are worshipping as unknown and are seeking for, throughout the universe, has been with you all the time. You are living through Him, and He is the Et...

Practical Vedanta excerpts from Swami Vivekananda - Part 6

Courtesy Sanjib Maharaj - Swami Dheyananda of RK Mission Student's Home Belgharia “Where shall we go to find God if we cannot see Him in our own hearts and in every living being? ... The only God to worship is the human soul in the human body… The moment I have realised God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him -- that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free.”    – Swami Vivekananda Excerpt from the lecture  Practical Vedanta - Part II  delivered by Swami Vivekananda at London The theme of the Vedanta is to see the Lord in everything, to see things in their real nature, not as they appear to be.  Then another lesson is taught in the Upanishads: "He who shines through the eyes is Brahman; He is the Beautiful One, He is the Shining One. He shines in all these worlds."  A certain peculiar light,  a commentator says,  which c...

Practical Vedanta excerpts from Swami Vivekananda - Part 5

courtesy Sanjib Maharaj  - Swami Dheyananda of Belgharia RK Mission Students' Home “There is only one life and one world, and this one life and one world is appearing to us as manifold. This manifoldness is like a dream… a time comes to the sage when the whole thing vanishes, and this world appears as God Himself, and his own soul as God… All this manifoldness is the manifestation of that One.”   – Swami Vivekananda    Excerpt from the lecture  Practical Vedanta - Part I  delivered by Swami Vivekananda at London What is there to be taught more in religion than the oneness of the universe and faith in one's self?  All the works of mankind for thousands of years past have been towards this one goal, and mankind is yet working it out. It is your turn now and you already know the truth. For it has been taught on all sides. Not only philosophy and psychology, but materialistic sciences have declared it. Where is the scientific man today who fears ...

Practical Vedanta excerpts from Swami Vivekananda - Part 4

Courtesy Sanjib Maharaj - Swami Dhyenananda from Belgharia Students' Home Excerpt from the lecture   Practical Vedanta - Part I   delivered by Swami Vivekananda at London We shall see how this Vedanta can be carried into our everyday life, the city life, the country life, the national life, and the home life of every nation. For, if a religion cannot help man wherever he may be, wherever he stands, it is not of much use; it will remain only a theory for the chosen few.  Religion, to help mankind, must be ready and able to help him in whatever condition he is, in servitude or in freedom, in the depths of degradation or on the heights of purity; everywhere, equally, it should be able to come to his aid. The principle of Vedanta, or the ideal of religion, or whatever you may call it, will be fulfilled by its capacity for performing this great function. The ideal of faith in ourselves is of the greatest help to us.  If faith in ourselves had been more extensively...

Practical Vedanta excerpts from Swami Vivekananda - Part 3

Courtesy Sanjib Maharaj - Swami Dheyananda from Belgharia Students' Home Excerpt from the lecture   Practical Vedanta - Part I   delivered by Swami Vivekananda at London For you must always remember that  the one central ideal of Vedanta is this oneness.  There are no two in anything, no two lives, nor even two different kinds of life for the two worlds. You will find the Vedas speaking of heavens and things like that at first; but later on, when they come to the highest ideals of their philosophy, they brush away all these things.  There is but one life, one world, one existence. Everything is that One, the difference is in degree and not in kind.  The Vedanta entirely denies such ideas as that animals are separate from men, and that they were made and created by God to be used for our food. Oneness includes all animals. If man's life is immortal, so also is the animal's. The difference is only in degree and not in kind. The amoeba and I are the s...