Why I will not vote for Narendra Modi
In a previous post titled Why I will vote for Narendra Modi, I had argued that as a politician Narendra Modi has greater acceptability than other other politicians. Modi is evolving. Modi 1.0 was decisive, was active in dismantling a system of corruption and nepotism which had become the norm in the last 60 years. Modi 1.0 had also dismantled the regional satraps and their dynastic rule and blatant display of power. Modi 2.0 is a meek shadow. Starting by becoming a Gandhi bhakt and trying to build his saintly image, Modi 2.0 has shown that he is just a canny politician who is more concerned about his image and popularity above everything else. He is a builder of his own brand. Just as Mahatma was enamoured by his own title and tried very hard to protect it, even at the cost of National interest, Modi 2.0 has tried very best to protect his image of "Vishwas" with occasional doses of "Vikas". It started in a promising note, with teh article 370 imposition and the enactment of the new farm laws. But then Modi the politician faced a critical test which exposed his Government's main weaknesses. He failed miserably in healthcare and education, could not provide any firm policy in either of them, whether in regime 1 or 2. NEP was a damp squib. The education ministers had no agenda, they even did not try to dismantle the disinformation campaign and the brainwashing system built over the last 100 years by the colonial masters and their slaves. The private sector came to the rescue in healthcare by rolling out vaccines at a rapid pace during COVID crisis and by providing matchless service. Government resorted to cheap gimmicks by beating cans and showering flowers from airplanes. And once vaccines were rolled out, Modi 2.0 wanted to become the saviour of the world by giving free dosages across the world, when we should have better concentrated on preventing the deadly wave 2.0. Modi 2.0 left it to the states to formulate their policies, and the populist states did everything possible not to antagonize their vote banks. Despite his tall claims Modi has not been able to deliver on minimum Governance or has not been able to do anything on the VIP culture, and the power of the elites (though its true that Modi does not care much for the elites and the media, more was expected of him to dismantle the elitist structure).
Modi 2.0, like Modi 1.0, has done good work in infrastructure sector and in carrying out some business reforms, brought in transparency and has reduced corruption, freeing policy making from red tapism. But implementation is slow and tardy (yes, even with Gati Shakti trying to accelerate it). Modi 2.0, like Modi 1.0 is Nationalist, or atleast visibly so. Modi Government has also rightly emphasized the Atmanirbhar Bharat and Digital India and taking some right policy decisions which would beneft the country in the long run. However Modi is a socialist politician who also thrives on poverty politics, only in a corruption free way. Modi's patent weapon is, whenever there is any election in any state, he will come up with doles and freebies for that state. The latest was his repealing of the farm laws which were rolled out with much fanfare. No action was taken against errant farmers who as a vested interest group held the Nation hostage, for the fear of losing votes. The repealing of the farm act has once again showed the main weakness of Modi 2.0 - the love for being popular, saintly. When the BJP workers were being killed mercilessly and their wives and daughters were being raped in West Bengal and elsewhere, Modi 2.0 and his home minister decided to remain mum or looked the other way round. It may have been possible that they took some action behind public gaze, but as leaders their foremost responsibility was to be with the workers under duress, publicly and with all sincerity. How do we expect a leader, who cannot even protect his own party workers, to protect the Nation at the time of distress? May be Modi bhakts should seriously introspect. When Hindu Bengalis were under attack in Bangladesh, Modi 2.0 did not utter any word - "friendship with Bangladesh cannot be harmed for a few minor incidents" was the statement by one of the secretaries. And he being touted as a protector of the Hindus took a serious beating when the Sadhus in Palghar were lynched to death. All in all, possibly it is too early to evaluate, but this regime is proving to be another Congress government with a little better record in transparency. Indira Gandhi was also an ardent Nationalist, despite all her faults.
Why is then the left ecosystem still going for Modi's blood? Its is because they cannot control Modi to do their bidding. Modi is too shrewd as a politician. He will not be a Gandhi to the leftist cabals.
Will it be too atrocious to claim that democracy in India has failed and that Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was aboslutely correct in comparing an indisciplined democracy to mobocracy?
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