
In the context of certain bigoted CON cults attacking Ramakrishna Vivekananda - Part 4

 The fourth and the final part -  In Ramakrishna-Vivekananda tradition the catholicity of Hinduism is the most important aspect. Hinduism is vast, great, wide as sky, deep as ocean. It does not need to attack any other religion to survive. It has many sects, many creeds, all following their paths sincerely for their end goal - attaining the supreme knowledge, of oneness with the divinity, one's real nature. Hinduism does not depend on any personality, does not depend on any particular scripture, does not provide injunctions. Hinduism believes that as different streams come down the mountain and spread in diverse dirctions only to be reunited in the vast body of ocean, so also people of different tendencies, straight or crooked come to the Supreme Being by following different paths. As Sri Ramakrishna said, if you are sincere, you will achieve the highest ideal, truth will reveal itself to a sincere sattvik seeker of any tradition, but never to a fundamentalist tamasic. If we...

Sectarianism, Bigotry and Intolerance - the attack on Ramakrishna Vivekananda ideology by a certain "Consciousness" cult - Part 3

 Hold on consciousness cult devotees. I am not finished yet!. If you have dared to read the Part 1 and 2 of this blog, here is the third one for you. And pray! the intelligent ones among you, please do introspect. Introspect on what you are promoting.  Now look into the extent of this fellow's bigotry - am only going to give some selective quotes from his long and tortorous post - "There is no excuse. You can run away crying like a baby, pretending to know scriptures. You will suffer in hell just like your so called guru, who suffered an early and terrible death due to his sinful life (similar to his own ”guru”, as history tends to repeat.) For insulting Krishna, you will never attain bhakti. You admit that you are strawmanning, which proves my point, you have no argument, just excuses for your sinful desires. You are killing sentient beings for your own sense gratification, and there is no excuse for that. I dare you again, to show me scriptural injunctions on smoking. Where ...

Sectarianism, Bigotry and Intolerance - the attack on Ramakrishna Vivekananda ideology by a certain "Consciousness" cult - Part 2

 Dear "Cult" devotees and adherants,  I had already posted the context in the part 1. Now the part 2. One of your adherants has put forward this objection in response to my explanation in part 1 -  "B ullshit. A realized soul has full control over mind and body, no smoking needed. These guys claim to be incarnation of God, and they can't even control their sinful and lusty minds? Disgusting! Don't justify your sinful activities by shamelessly claiming to be a “spiritual giant”. Where do shāstras recommend smoking, huh? The progress of Kali yuga is frightening." And here goes my response: Ah! you seem to become an expert on realized souls without being a realized soul yourself (I presume) . A nursery baby can pass comments on a PhD but his comments will be mere blabbering. You seem to reflect yoruself in the vast and luminous prism of Vivekananda through your comments. Vivekananda does not need the certification of fools and he had encountered many fools in h...

Sectarianism, Bigotry and Intolerance - the attack on Ramakrishna Vivekananda ideology by a certain "Consciousness" cult - Part 1

 Dear devotees and followers of the "consciosuness" cult, I call you a cult because you don't even deserve to be called as a sect, let alone be a religious organization. I call you a cult because by usurping our most loved God ideal of Krishna, you have merely emulated the fundamentalism, hatred and bigotry espoused by the Chruchianity for centuries. I call you a cult because that's what you are, fundamentally. You call yourselves Hindus, just because you worship this usurped ideal, agreat personality who stood for detachment and dispassion and who gave us our most sacred text - the Bhagavat Gita, who lifelong fought against asuras, against bigotry and hatred. You take his name and promote the same bigotry and hatred. In your vitriolic attack on Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrisha you and your so called adherants ( a large majority of them being foreign nationals and non Indians who have scanty understanding the wonderful catholicity of Hinduism and of Indic cultures) yo...

Debunking the Myth and the Mithya of Netaji's marriage story rationally and logically - also a few Qs

Seeing the propensity of a certain person who claims herself to be closely related to Netaji to criticize Netaji's actions as well as giving gyan to the Indian PM on his priority, I think we should debunk a myth propagated and promoted assiduously. Of course, this will be done logically and rationally, and I have a few questions for some of the current researchers who want to doggedly pursue certain theories ignoring or disregarding contrary and often powerful evidence. As a doctoral research scholar from an IIM, I believe in the integrity of research. It should be free of bias, and the researcher's dogma and the opposing evidence should be carefully presented while presenting any theory. Otherwise, you can publish any number of books promoting your pet theories, but they will not be acceptable in academic circles and among intellectuals - a first and foremost necessary step to establish a theory. Books are considered grey literature since they are often not peer-reviewed as cr...