If the entire world converts into one religion will all the problems of fanaticism stop? The answer is no, although some of the Semitic religion proponents would claim that if the world converts to their religion, the world will be at peace. If we look into major religions we find that they are not strictly united in the truest sense of terms. They are divided into many sects which are also fighting with each other, apart from fighting other religions. This is because if we look into the anatomy of fanaticism, we'll find that fanatics are not driven by religious ideals, they are driven purely by their own monumental egos which force them to denounce others who are not in consonance with them. The hatred lies within themselves and it will always find an expression to come out. So even if people belong to the same religion they fight with each other by dividing into sects, people within the same sect fight with each other dividing themselves into principles, ideals and even dog...