A book, a scholar and some thoughts - part 3
Probably the people who have initiated legal action should follow this example. They need to study in greater depth their own scriptures and also Western philosophy, be a master of history and then counter the claims made by the relevant scholar. They need to understand that hard work and sacrifice goes a long way in countering falsifications than mere obstinacy and opposition. They also need to understand that when they oppose anything just because it does not match their own conviction, without fighting it logically and rationally, they are merely following their own ego. Whosoever believes that this work would cause damage to Hinduism and therefore should be withdrawn from market is extremely ignorant, because he/she has underestimated the resilience of the mother of all religions. He/She is simply making the scholar undeservedly a hero or worse a martyr in the intellectual circle. Instead one should expose their hollowness and intellectual shallowness. That is pre...