The Scenarios are unfolding - Threat is looming large

 One who sees can see it all, one who doesn't see can see none of it. World is no longer peaceful - its in metastable equilibrium and is heading rapidly towards a giant conflagration. The Bear is encircling the continent in its neighbourhood. It has its score to settle with Country U, it will start with that and proceed towards its erstwhile enemies that had their armies graveyard in the Bear's territory - for the fallacy of attacking it. The two economic giants will increasingly find themselves threatened by internal forces, that will be a harbinger of the external one. The island, that was once a mighty Empire where sun never set, has auto piloted itself in the path of destruction - its own Karma is drowning it in the Atlantic of sorrow. In the Middle East a Dangerous fanatic Jihadi Government nurtures the ambition of reviving the Caliphate. The fire breathing monster in our neighbourhood actually was testing water when it was on the border. It does want that territory but its main enemy is the erstwhile superpower which now has a puppet President on its throne. The puppet president is capable of doing nothing - he is run by a lefto jihadist nexus that wanted to dominate that world power for long and has finally got its opportunity. That Octopus will encircle the erstwhile superpower from within and will choke it. There are signs that the nexus is raising its ugly hood - it has cornered the academia, the media and the money flowing in its hand will weaken the military. And that gives the opportunity to the fire breathing monster that is feeding the nexus. The monster will stop at nothing - it will first gobble that tiny island that had been its eyesore for long, then it will rule over the Kamboja sea, and then it will try to rule over the vast expanse of ocean and corner its erstwhile enemy. The so called QUAD has no trust among their members. Just as NATO will eventually capitulate to the Bear the QUAD will capitulate once the puppet President's nation is engulfed by the nexus. The monster has a proxy, an evil, desperate small country with pathological and visceral hatred for our great Nation. Our great Nation is in danger of being attacked by a desperate evil jihadist nation that enjoys the support of the nexus and the Caliphate. Middle East will obviously burn as that small Jewish nation is also cornered by a block, but the Sheikhs are threatened by the Caliphate, as well as the Pehlavis, so the scenario here will be interesting. Its in the interest of the Bear that the Sheikhdom loses its relevance, while it also has to pull the strings in case Caliphate raises its ugly head. The pawns are the Armanis and the Yavans, who are the prime targets of the Caliphate's expansive power, so is also the ancient state comprising the battleground of the Crusades and the birth and spread of Xtianity. In another corner of the great nation, in a Buddhist state that for long was under a junta, democracy has already fallen because the monster has triggered the fall. In another neighbouring state the jihadists are raising their ugly hood because the monster sponsors them as well. A fourth neighbouring island state has its compulsion to support the monster, its sold in debt. A fifth will bear the burnt of both Middle Eastern conflagration and the proxy state's  misadventure and also has a fair contribution to be made to the Jihadi block, through the "students" and the other terror groups operating from its soil. The Bear and the Monster wants to divide the world into natural spheres of cooperation - The Bear wants to rule the West and the Monster wants to rule the East, The Caliphate-Jihadists want their lost glory to be revived.- eerie reminiscent of the beginning of the Second World War. 

Net summary - The monster's ceasefire declaration is a sham, so is the evil neighbour's. However the monster's real intent lies elsewhere - Himalayan borders are just a bonus - attention diverging game. It really wants to put that proxy state in front to fight its battle and will only come to capture what it thinks belongs to it when its larger global ambition is satisfied and when that proxy state is decimated. Three forces are unleashed - the global nexus of Jihadists and their natural ally, the leftist communists, the remnants of colonial-imperial-racist cult - including the erstwhile superpower and its white allies, and the Neo Empire seeking Bear and the Monster, who would stop at nothing to further their ambitions.

We may not survive to see the end, but it will certainly be interesting.

Just a trivia - Only Subhas Chandra Bose foresaw the Second World War in the early 1930s when he was in Europe. He sensed that to be a golden opportunity for India's independence. Unfortunately the thickheads of the Congress were not equipped to understand how much vision, how much strategic thinking, this one man possessed. We are still paying the price of that unpardonable ignorance and will pay even more in days to come. 

And only Subhas Chandra Bose foresaw a third world war and predicted exactly the sequence of events as well as the outcome. 


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