The Scenarios are unfolding - Threat is looming large
One who sees can see it all, one who doesn't see can see none of it. World is no longer peaceful - its in metastable equilibrium and is heading rapidly towards a giant conflagration. The Bear is encircling the continent in its neighbourhood. It has its score to settle with Country U, it will start with that and proceed towards its erstwhile enemies that had their armies graveyard in the Bear's territory - for the fallacy of attacking it. The two economic giants will increasingly find themselves threatened by internal forces, that will be a harbinger of the external one. The island, that was once a mighty Empire where sun never set, has auto piloted itself in the path of destruction - its own Karma is drowning it in the Atlantic of sorrow. In the Middle East a Dangerous fanatic Jihadi Government nurtures the ambition of reviving the Caliphate. The fire breathing monster in our neighbourhood actually was testing water when it was on the border. It does want that territory but it...