Payback Period
Indian Independence Movement had many defining moments. The sacrifices that were made largely went in vain because a) Betraying the interests of the nation and collaborating with the British, our so called nationalist leaders including Nehru and Patel actively supported the Partition and somehow Gandhiji who had said that India would be split on his dead body, acceded b) The Independence received was actually a transfer of power. India remained a Dominion of Britain and later joined the Commonwealth in 1949 to sign her continuance of the acceptance of the patronage of her former colonial rulers. Our history books conveniently forgot the true sacrifices, the bloodshed for the country. A legacy of corruption, nepotism, selfishness and greed was inherited and the sacrifices were forgotten. A breed of politicians and bureaucrats who created a legacy of exploitation, loot and selling away of their own country, prospered and people willy nilly voted for them. No political party was immune and the leadership supported this state for the sake of power. Power - a simple term, that corrupts the great. It corrupted a prime minister who for the sake of power gave up his own country and people to the hyenas of the western world to control India's destiny. This same prime minister so dreaded that return of one of his former colleagues that he went to all possible length to declare him dead, so that if he ever came back he would be either eliminated silently or secretly or be declared as an imposter. That same Prime minister looted the treasury of a legitimate provincial Government, that was donated by millions of Indians living in South East Asia, many of whom contributed their life's savings for a cause they believed in and became pauper. The leader to whom they gave their wealth also gave his everything, but in return he was denied a legitimate access to his own country. It was in the best interest of everybody that he was declared and perceived to be dead. In his name his family could blackmail to Government and earn crores, a section of the politicians and international crooks looted the treasure given to him for the country's work, a fictitious wife and son (later converted to daughter) story took the center stage to assassinate his character with a liberal dose (what's wrong in getting married or having children? - His had a romantic side...Ohhh, isn't that great, he is after all a human being...No wait, in 1949 he had a son! But but he declared openly that he had no son....ok, mistake, lets get it converted to a daughter...Wait, its 1951! In 1949 he had a son who was eight years old, how can we make such a mistake! He wasn't even there with his fictitious wife in 1941, he had just escaped from his country and was working very very hard. Make that girl eight years old in 1951, that will fit...He left his wife in 1943, that's more plausible...But no records exist...Wait, there is a Bengali letter. ...No no, its a forgery, everybody will recognize his handwriting...then just vanish the original letter...copy the contents and make the contents public... that's it) Gullible public will believe anything they are supposed to belief. After all if the most erudite, respected Prime Minister says some harmless untruth which he himself does not believe, he cannot be called a liar, he is a Pandit, a scholar, a secular liberal, a freedom fighter who spent 3 years in Naini prison (with all material comforts, unlike the dead ghost whose legacy he tried to eradicate, who went to prison, most dreaded ones, sans any material comfort, eleven times, tortured and severely beaten).
People forgot. They forgot the sacrifices, they divided themselves to support the same enemies of the nation, voting them back time and again, or voting their opposition who were equally corrupt and sold out, who had ties with the enemies of the nation, who did everything possible to undermine the country's interest for narrow political gains. All blood that was shed for freedom conveniently forgotten. Nexus developed among, business, politicians, industry, media, intellectuals, ACADEMICS, bureaucracy, to rob the country of her honour, of her culture, her civilization, her legacy, her sacrifices. And people, blinded by new found prosperity, material gains, wealth, mesmerized by the growth prospects, the chimera of economic progress, simply went on living their lives, suffering from poor infrastructure, health care, corrupt education system looting them and denying their children the true knowledge and wisdom, driving the agenda of the powers that want to bind India forever to the shackles of moral depravity, everyday deaths and blatant misuse of power by the powerful and denial of justice. There were occasional outbursts, but who cares! Simply point the blame in a specific direction, encourage infighting, make sure that castes fight castes, religions fight religions, fundamentalists take advantage of secularism and unleash their agenda. Make sure that the media, industry honchos, Bollywood, politicians, intellectuals are paid to tow the official line. As long as people do not understand and are hopelessly divided, as long as they are busy with their toys of jobs, money, travel, leisure, food, clothes, we are all safe. We encourage all that - its growth, development, economic progress, people are happy.
But, but but, things do not go on like this forever. There is a higher, much higher, much bigger power that watches silently. That witness whose will is supreme. That witness lets the corrupt thrive, prosper, as it helps in continuing the game. But when things are beginning to look bleak, justice must prevail. Self correction system is triggered, to unleash violence that cause widespread destruction.
When we forget sacrifices, we pay the price. Freedom has a price, enjoyment has a price, development has a price, unless we learn how to live in harmony, how to respect the sacrifices made, how not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The price has to be payed and its the beginning. Rogue nations unleashing violence and war are just instruments. Too many injustices and historical wrongs needs to be corrected, price will be extracted forcefully and the process has begun. The politics of demoncracy must end irrespective of the political parties that are in the system. They are all bound to be destroyed, starting with the oldest one that had sown the seeds of its own destruction 80 years back by nullifying the sacrifices of freedom fighters and promoting its own selfish agenda by destroying and dividing a country, leading to violence and bloodshed of unprecedented magnitude continuing for so long, so many lives destroyed, so many women raped and enslaved.
Blame it all on that erudite prime minister who willfully led us to a wrong path for selfish interest and moral depravity and that bespectacled father who because of his obsession and ego gave prominence to his own agenda over that of country's interest and has become a brand to be marketed since then. No wait, blame it on Imperialists, the White Supremacists and that Godless creed that once dreamt of capturing the world, also on the capitalists who thought that money = supreme power.
Swami Vivekananda foretold in a meeting in August 1893 (as per reminiscences of Mrs. Wright) that whatever wrongs Europe committed in Asia, esp. India, an Asian power would take the revenge. He mentioned that China would be that power that would run over Europe. He said that it would be worse than Hun invasion. He assured his concerned audience that it would happen within a thousand years, but it would seem that he was just being modest. The global war is not started as a planned activity that we would dominate the world. It starts more as a local power play - getting hold of few strategic territories or locations for local dominance. But soon it goes out of hand. The leaders soon find themselves slave to the war, not what they planned or bargained for - In Gita Bhagwan says - anicchan api Kaunteya, Valad eva Niyajitah. Even Duryodhan was not expecting war, he expected Pandavas to be afraid, to be going down in front of a mighty Kauarava army, but he miscalculated.
Unexpected events happen that take the local war to new heights. And world faces a massive destruction of unprecedented scale.
Bhagwanji predicted that shock after shock over a period would hit India, ultimately resulting in a crescendo. A deep deep malign cancer is eating into the very vitals of India. We are not proud of our heritage and legacy, we do not pay respect for the sacrifices done for our sake. we are not proud of the fact that we are Hindus who have a great spiritual tradition and culture. We are afraid to counter anyone belittling India or Hinduism. We join them gleefully thinking that they know better. We do not know or try to know our own religion or culture, our own civilization, nor do we teach our children to do so. We teach them to talk in a foreign tongue forgetting their mother language and their root. We consider our great heritage of Samskrit to be dead. we are so enamoured by globalization that we ignore to promote our own culture and jewels of India that are appropriated by others. We are concerned about 'me' and 'myself', we are in our created cocoons, selfish and self centred. We consume a lot following the West. We are awed by the West, their scientific and material progress and try to emulate them. We are chasing our own ambition forgetting our glorious spiritual past and the purpose of human life. So this disease has to be cured. And any major disease needs major treatment.
Not all is hopeless. Bhagwanji said that his sadhana was to ensure that India emerges stronger, better and bigger. When he was sixteen years old Subhas Bose was very clear about his own mission and mission of India - he wrote a letter to his mother articulating that mission and his understanding. India has to become a world teacher, a spiritual beacon for the strife torn world, India has to show the way to the world. It cannot remain a third world country enamoured by material wealth and progress. Bhagwanji predicted that India would be reintegrated and become even bigger than pre 1947. Sri Aurobindo predicted that the partition would not last. Swami Vivekananda talked about a glorious India, a spiritual giant that would be the guru of the world. World would bow down to her feet.
A war is always needed to bring major changes, upheavals and disruptions. The India that was broken after a world war can only be reunited by a war - its natural consequence. The fundamentalists and their sponsors - the leftists, jihadists and radical Abrahamics, white supremacists, Imperialists and their global sponsors, neo colonialists and capitalists - the list is long. But all these on account of their greed, hunger for power and global dominance will trigger a war and will destroy each other - in the same way the mighty and powerful kings got themselves destroyed in Mahabharata.
Also Vivekananda predicted that he would need to come back within two hundred years, along with his Guru. A avatar only comes to deliver a message of hope as his advent brings destruction in his wake. Sri Krishna brought two major wars to destroy the asura like kings including his own Vrishni clan, Buddha's period saw seventeen years war between Koshala and Licchavis and also total destruction of the Shakyas. Chaitanya's advent was marked with destruction of the Afghan-Pathan rule and establishment of first Mughals, then Marathas, as well as the destruction of the last Hindu Empire of Vijayanagara that had become materially prosperous but spiritually vacant. Ramakrishna Vivekananda brought in their wake two world wars that destroyed the dominance of the monarchy, European powers, Imperialism and Orthodox Christianity. Now possibly a new time has come, a new age is supposed to come and therefore destruction is necessary to sow new seeds, plant new trees and create a new world order that would be more equitable and spiritual, seeking the meaning and purpose of life rather than trying to dominate.
People forgot. They forgot the sacrifices, they divided themselves to support the same enemies of the nation, voting them back time and again, or voting their opposition who were equally corrupt and sold out, who had ties with the enemies of the nation, who did everything possible to undermine the country's interest for narrow political gains. All blood that was shed for freedom conveniently forgotten. Nexus developed among, business, politicians, industry, media, intellectuals, ACADEMICS, bureaucracy, to rob the country of her honour, of her culture, her civilization, her legacy, her sacrifices. And people, blinded by new found prosperity, material gains, wealth, mesmerized by the growth prospects, the chimera of economic progress, simply went on living their lives, suffering from poor infrastructure, health care, corrupt education system looting them and denying their children the true knowledge and wisdom, driving the agenda of the powers that want to bind India forever to the shackles of moral depravity, everyday deaths and blatant misuse of power by the powerful and denial of justice. There were occasional outbursts, but who cares! Simply point the blame in a specific direction, encourage infighting, make sure that castes fight castes, religions fight religions, fundamentalists take advantage of secularism and unleash their agenda. Make sure that the media, industry honchos, Bollywood, politicians, intellectuals are paid to tow the official line. As long as people do not understand and are hopelessly divided, as long as they are busy with their toys of jobs, money, travel, leisure, food, clothes, we are all safe. We encourage all that - its growth, development, economic progress, people are happy.
But, but but, things do not go on like this forever. There is a higher, much higher, much bigger power that watches silently. That witness whose will is supreme. That witness lets the corrupt thrive, prosper, as it helps in continuing the game. But when things are beginning to look bleak, justice must prevail. Self correction system is triggered, to unleash violence that cause widespread destruction.
When we forget sacrifices, we pay the price. Freedom has a price, enjoyment has a price, development has a price, unless we learn how to live in harmony, how to respect the sacrifices made, how not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The price has to be payed and its the beginning. Rogue nations unleashing violence and war are just instruments. Too many injustices and historical wrongs needs to be corrected, price will be extracted forcefully and the process has begun. The politics of demoncracy must end irrespective of the political parties that are in the system. They are all bound to be destroyed, starting with the oldest one that had sown the seeds of its own destruction 80 years back by nullifying the sacrifices of freedom fighters and promoting its own selfish agenda by destroying and dividing a country, leading to violence and bloodshed of unprecedented magnitude continuing for so long, so many lives destroyed, so many women raped and enslaved.
Blame it all on that erudite prime minister who willfully led us to a wrong path for selfish interest and moral depravity and that bespectacled father who because of his obsession and ego gave prominence to his own agenda over that of country's interest and has become a brand to be marketed since then. No wait, blame it on Imperialists, the White Supremacists and that Godless creed that once dreamt of capturing the world, also on the capitalists who thought that money = supreme power.
Swami Vivekananda foretold in a meeting in August 1893 (as per reminiscences of Mrs. Wright) that whatever wrongs Europe committed in Asia, esp. India, an Asian power would take the revenge. He mentioned that China would be that power that would run over Europe. He said that it would be worse than Hun invasion. He assured his concerned audience that it would happen within a thousand years, but it would seem that he was just being modest. The global war is not started as a planned activity that we would dominate the world. It starts more as a local power play - getting hold of few strategic territories or locations for local dominance. But soon it goes out of hand. The leaders soon find themselves slave to the war, not what they planned or bargained for - In Gita Bhagwan says - anicchan api Kaunteya, Valad eva Niyajitah. Even Duryodhan was not expecting war, he expected Pandavas to be afraid, to be going down in front of a mighty Kauarava army, but he miscalculated.
Unexpected events happen that take the local war to new heights. And world faces a massive destruction of unprecedented scale.
Bhagwanji predicted that shock after shock over a period would hit India, ultimately resulting in a crescendo. A deep deep malign cancer is eating into the very vitals of India. We are not proud of our heritage and legacy, we do not pay respect for the sacrifices done for our sake. we are not proud of the fact that we are Hindus who have a great spiritual tradition and culture. We are afraid to counter anyone belittling India or Hinduism. We join them gleefully thinking that they know better. We do not know or try to know our own religion or culture, our own civilization, nor do we teach our children to do so. We teach them to talk in a foreign tongue forgetting their mother language and their root. We consider our great heritage of Samskrit to be dead. we are so enamoured by globalization that we ignore to promote our own culture and jewels of India that are appropriated by others. We are concerned about 'me' and 'myself', we are in our created cocoons, selfish and self centred. We consume a lot following the West. We are awed by the West, their scientific and material progress and try to emulate them. We are chasing our own ambition forgetting our glorious spiritual past and the purpose of human life. So this disease has to be cured. And any major disease needs major treatment.
Not all is hopeless. Bhagwanji said that his sadhana was to ensure that India emerges stronger, better and bigger. When he was sixteen years old Subhas Bose was very clear about his own mission and mission of India - he wrote a letter to his mother articulating that mission and his understanding. India has to become a world teacher, a spiritual beacon for the strife torn world, India has to show the way to the world. It cannot remain a third world country enamoured by material wealth and progress. Bhagwanji predicted that India would be reintegrated and become even bigger than pre 1947. Sri Aurobindo predicted that the partition would not last. Swami Vivekananda talked about a glorious India, a spiritual giant that would be the guru of the world. World would bow down to her feet.
A war is always needed to bring major changes, upheavals and disruptions. The India that was broken after a world war can only be reunited by a war - its natural consequence. The fundamentalists and their sponsors - the leftists, jihadists and radical Abrahamics, white supremacists, Imperialists and their global sponsors, neo colonialists and capitalists - the list is long. But all these on account of their greed, hunger for power and global dominance will trigger a war and will destroy each other - in the same way the mighty and powerful kings got themselves destroyed in Mahabharata.
Also Vivekananda predicted that he would need to come back within two hundred years, along with his Guru. A avatar only comes to deliver a message of hope as his advent brings destruction in his wake. Sri Krishna brought two major wars to destroy the asura like kings including his own Vrishni clan, Buddha's period saw seventeen years war between Koshala and Licchavis and also total destruction of the Shakyas. Chaitanya's advent was marked with destruction of the Afghan-Pathan rule and establishment of first Mughals, then Marathas, as well as the destruction of the last Hindu Empire of Vijayanagara that had become materially prosperous but spiritually vacant. Ramakrishna Vivekananda brought in their wake two world wars that destroyed the dominance of the monarchy, European powers, Imperialism and Orthodox Christianity. Now possibly a new time has come, a new age is supposed to come and therefore destruction is necessary to sow new seeds, plant new trees and create a new world order that would be more equitable and spiritual, seeking the meaning and purpose of life rather than trying to dominate.
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