Swami Vivekananda in London 4 - Theory of continuity, the propagation of vibration, principle of motion
Swamiji discoursed eloquently on the following topics which were basically scientific thoughts based on spirituality.
1. Theory of Continuity: Swamiji claimed that the entire creation is a continuity, without any gap. The gross matter viewed by us has a subtle component and that subtle becomes subtler. In this way the subtlemost components intertwine with each other and thus form a continuous mass which ensures that we are all connected with each other. There is no discontinuity anywhere in this universe. We must remember that this theory was discussed much before quantum mechanics came in picture and there was not even faintest idea about Higg;s Boson, Quantum consciousness and so on.
The inter connectivity at various planes is the reason of our empathy for others and compassion for others, as on a subtler plane we are connected with others and thus perceive their pain. The greater is the ability of a person to take her mind to the subtle plane, greater is the ability of perception and feeling for others and hence greatest souls have such a high compassion for all beings and non injury is accepted as the highest virtue by all cultures. When we know that we are interconnected and when we are firmly established in that non dual perception, all fears go away. We do not fear ourselves. When we know that we are interconnected to all such that it is the individual, me, who is actually constituting the universe without any differentiation, all fetters like hatred and fear fall away. Scientifically speaking we are still there even after we pass away in minutest form, because our body components down to subatomic level do not die and reconstitute themselves to form other atoms and molecules to compose other gross matters, may be another human body, or an animal body or even for that matter an inanimate substance. Thus what is actually happening is a transformation, but never a death. Therefore truly we are immortals and merely pass from one form to another.
2. Life everywhere: Swamiji explained that this universe is actually full of life or consciousness. There is not a single space which is devoid of consciousness. The entire universe is filled with the cosmic energy in its various forms and because that energy is conscious, therefore everywhere it is generating lives. This is interesting because quantum consciousness is a fairly recent discovery. If we assume for a moment that quantum consciousness is not spooky and may be true, then we see that what we perceive as matter is consciousness personified as the underlying constituents, the sub atomic particles are all conscious and therefore are living
3. Vibration as origin and fundamental principle behind propagation - Swamiji said that in this universe if there is a vibration anywhere that will be felt in the remotest of place, in the other corners of the universe, because of this inter connectivity (theory of continuity). Some seventy years later the Big Bang Theory of Universe with its pillar, the detection of Microwave background radiation proved what Swamiji said. The signals from farthest corners of the universe are reaching us over billions of years to demonstrate the earliest stage of the universe. Swamiji said in a metaphysical sense even thoughts constitute of vibrations. Good thoughts generate positive vibrations and are transformed into positive actions even centuries later in some other parts of the universe, while evil thoughts cause evil actions in its wake even after thousands of years have elapsed. If the universe is constituting of energy in various forms, it must be based on vibration as energy is a wave form. Electrons and other subatomic particles like bosons, quarks, gluons are everywhere and they signify wave particle duality or in a grosser sense matter-energy duality. Vibration caused the origin of universe just as in still water a disturbance creates a ripple that spreads in wave form (similar to a Big Bang). Vibration propagates and hence thoughts propagate. However there is a rhythm of universal vibration and when our mind, which is also vibrating is able to catch hold of that rhythm it dwells on the superconscious plane and gets submerged with the cosmic vibration, thereby transcending itself. That is the highest state of realization, of being united with the grand cosmic reality. When we are out of sync with that rhythm, with harmony, we live in the grosser, materialistic plane of differentiation and suffer untold miseries. The greater we are disconnected more ignorant we become of the subtle truths. Every particle, every matter has its own vibration. Again, this was much before we discovered quantum spins. All bodies constitute of particles which vibrate in same frequency and when that rhythm, that frequency is disturbed, the body falls part.
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