
Showing posts from March, 2016

Swami Vivekananda in London 5 - The circular motion, the centreless state of energy, the planes of consciousness, singularity

Swami Vivekananda stated in one lecture that the whole of creation is an undifferentiated mass of energy. There is no space for anything else outside the creation to be included in the creation. The entire creation will fall apart if an attempt is made to get any smallest particle from outside the creation (universe) to be put into the creation. The universe is like a pitcher filled to the brim and any mass not generated within creation, if placed within it will collapse the universe. This is because energy has filled the universe to its brim. Modern science proves that matter and energy are synonymous. Therefore universe is full of particles of matter and hence can be compared to one solidified mass. There cannot be any space left in a condensed solidified mass and any attempt to disrupt it will only result in its collapse. Circular Motion- Swamiji said that the linear motion is only apparently linear, but in actual practice all motions will take place in a perfect circle if the...

Swami Vivekananda in London 4 - Theory of continuity, the propagation of vibration, principle of motion

Swamiji discoursed eloquently on the following topics which were basically scientific thoughts based on spirituality. 1. Theory of Continuity: Swamiji claimed that the entire creation is a continuity, without any gap. The gross matter viewed by us has a subtle component and that subtle becomes subtler. In this way the subtlemost components intertwine with each other and thus form a continuous mass which ensures that we are all connected with each other. There is no discontinuity anywhere in this universe.  We must remember that this theory was discussed much before quantum mechanics came in picture and there was not even faintest idea about Higg;s Boson, Quantum consciousness and so on. The inter connectivity at various planes is the reason of our empathy for others and compassion for others, as on a subtler plane we are connected with others and thus perceive their pain. The greater is the ability of a person to take her mind to the subtle plane, greater is the ability of p...