What it takes to become developed
The social diseases that are prevalent in India, the conflicts, the wrong doings, the corruption among Government officials, the collusion of mafias with ruling class, the flagrant violation of the laws by the high and mighty, the abysmal lack of concern for others and selfishness, bending of rules, adopting shortcuts in every sphere, right from road traffic to governance, the shortsightedness of leaders, the apathy towards fellow beings, to name a few, lead us one to question the very basis of the theory of development. Are we really developing as a nation or are we going backwards?
The entire debate around development revolves round economic development and progress made on the social developments - the human development in terms of access to healthcare, education and utilities. However when we look into a country on the path of development, it seems that the human development and economic development are but secondary. The first and foremost in this respect is development in terms of morality and ethics. The first sign of development of an individual in terms of morality is enhanced compassion and kindness, care and concern for fellow beings and in this respect India still lacks pathetically behind. Take for instance America. People will run for miles in order to generate funds for a patient suffering from a rare disease and would come out in hundreds to support a good cause. Atleast that value system is prevalent among middle class. However in India, this is rarely a case. Middle class is self centred and so is Richie rich. Often we find volunteers and good hearts coming out from lower middle classes, from students who have not become so stony hearted as to refuse help, from a few professionals who think its their duty to help others. Neither intellectuals, nor leadership, nor government officials nor well to do individuals are expected to lead in this front, although Gita says clearly that whatever such leaders of society do others would follow. Intellectuals, media and political class are busy mud slinging, as if there is only one issue in this country. Intellectuals of a certain class and ideology thrive on the basis of political affiliation and not by real compassion towards people. They are driven by selfish interests of name and fame. Such is the case with most big businesses and other leaders of the society. So the situation is very bleak. Under such a circumstance can one even hope for development?
The development in the ethical sphere normally takes place from inactivity and laziness to intense activity and passion to tranquility, in that order. When the society approaches the state of tranquility it becomes morally and ethically developed and prosperity comes on its own. However when it at the first or second stage it is still far from being developed and such is the condition of India today. There is one vital ingredient that is missing from the nation, that is self respect as well as respect for the others and that is pivotal towards overall development. Swami Vivekananda had often narrated this story of America, that he used to see people from far off countries arriving in America with heads bent and with lot of fear as if they were non entities. But six months in that country helped them to regain their self confidence and self respect as they obtained respect from others, "Pat, you are what we are. No difference." And Pat became convinced that he had the same potential, same power as that of other Americans and therefore he succeeded in curving out a niche for himself. However in India there is neither self respect, nor there is respect for others. That is the reason why society is today in such a state of decadence and degradation and country's leadership is suffering from a huge vacuum. even so called intellectuals have been so worried about particular ideologies overtaking their fragile barriers that they spent more effort in condemning than in constructing. Result is chaos and mess where innocents are victims on a daily basis.
Is there any hope? Economic progress can only be achieved if the society develops and society can only be developed if there is certain amount of moral and ethical progress, without which no development is possible.
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