A book, a scholar and some thoughts - part 3
Probably the people who
have initiated legal action should follow this example. They need to study in
greater depth their own scriptures and also Western philosophy, be a master of
history and then counter the claims made by the relevant scholar. They need to
understand that hard work and sacrifice goes a long way in countering
falsifications than mere obstinacy and opposition. They also need to understand
that when they oppose anything just because it does not match their own
conviction, without fighting it logically and rationally, they are merely
following their own ego. Whosoever believes that this work would cause damage
to Hinduism and therefore should be withdrawn from market is extremely
ignorant, because he/she has underestimated the resilience of the mother of all
religions. He/She is simply making the scholar undeservedly a hero or worse a
martyr in the intellectual circle. Instead one should expose their hollowness and
intellectual shallowness. That is precisely what Vivekananda would have done
and that is precisely what he did to many such “scholars”. He exposed them so thoroughly
and convincingly that it took them a fairly long time to come up with an “alternate
history”of Hinduism.
In this case the
scholar has apparently developed an alternate history of Hinduism based on the arcane concepts so favorite of the perverts who do not understand what purity
is and what religion is all about– psycho sexuality. Sri Ramakrishna tells us
that the mind is like washermens’ clothes which they used to colour with
various dyes. He said that whatever dye one would apply to that cloth it would
assume that colour. Similarly the mind assumes whatever one is inclined
towards. So if somebody is obsessed with sexuality he/she would find sexual
symbols in anything and everything, however pure that may be. So this is what
the case here. The sexually obsessed Western scholars and intellectuals will
naturally look after their most cherished, most desirable thing in everything,
even if that symbol actually stands for the very opposite concept to sex – that
of pure love of God and renunciation in body mind and spirit as Devdasis or Ras Leela are supposed to denote, or going
beyond the sensory attractions and entering the hallowed portals for gaining
purity of mind as temple curving shows, or getting liberation from birthplaces, as the
phalanx symbolizes. For this reason at best we need to be compassionate to such
scholars. They are sick and obsessed with sex. As Swami Vivekananda pointed
out, Ras Leela as sexual orgy is as
absurd as the notion that the flesh and blood of Christ offered as Holy
Sacrament is cannibalism and Sri Krishna as a sexual pervert finds equivalent
in a cannibalistic Jesus Christ, both being absolutely ridiculous and
disgraceful as theories and can only develop in extremely sick minds.
After all again in the
language of Sri Ramakrishna, one can either forge a a cheque or read a scripture
in the light of the lamp. Do we blame or praise the lamp for that? Similarly if
the same thoughts are translated in pure light and also in impure light, does
the thought or symbol gets blamed? Somebody has chosen to represent it in impure
light because that is his/her own mental and intellectual level. He or she
cannot come out of that abyss and for that reason need to be shown pity.
After all such scholars
are driven only by name, fame and fortune. If they had got that by praising
Hinduism they would have gladly done so by all means. But they have figured
out, like their predecessors, that it is easier to gain glory by vilifying the
mother of all religions as, like most mothers she is benign to her children and
would just sadly smile when attacked and that the market demands are skewed
towards the stories vilifying her. Sri Ramakrishna pointed out that scholars
without discrimination and dispassion are mere vultures, because as carrion
feeders are driven by their lust for flesh, even when they soar high, the
scholars are driven by their passion lust for name and fame, despite their high
education. They would not hesitate to stoop to any level for serving their
purpose and hence the only way of chastising them is to bring them down on
their own turf, by proving them wrong. Sri Ramakrishna, with his supernatural
capacity of understanding the deepest and darkest secret in his opponents’
minds, could disarm many scholars even before they began to speak. Vivekananda
could, by his extra ordinary genius, superhuman intellectual acumen
and purity, get always the best of his opponents. There is no reason why others
cannot do the same if they try hard.
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