Travel Dreams

While life itself is an endless voyage towards eternity, travel dreams are there probably to remind us that we are all fellow travellers in this great journey. The Shantiparva in Mahabharata speaks of the vast ocean of life 'Sansararanava' where people float around haplessly like pieces of wood, clinging to each other for a brief period and then once again separated. All unions and separations are but fleeting moments, transient and transitory. Therefore all longings are futile, as we are born to be separated and float alone, towards the great refuge. Travel dreams are therefore repeated attempts of our mind to remind us of the stark reality. The inner cconsciousness of which we are unconscious during our wakeful hours tells us that this sensory world which we perceive as real is as elusive as the dream itself. We are out on a long journey, in which we sometimes get lost, sometimes long to return to our near and dear ones but find it difficult, sometimes we simply want to escape and get lost, sometimes we miss a train by accident or sometimes we run in narrow alleys, trying to escape from unknown enemies. Is our inner mind continuously trying the escape the miseries that life has brought upon us? Is it trying to escape the enemies of senses and pleasure seeking worldly affairs? Or is there a hidden fear of separation from our near and dear ones and longing to get back to the world which is secure and comfortable?


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