Leadership, courage and strength

On the day of India's independence, let's pray to the nation's God to give us courage, strength and confidence.
we see around us cowardice and weakness galore. We see a weak and vacillating leadership who is unable to take any major decision, we see a vast corrupt machinery called bureaucracy which has neither ability nor willingness to rise out of lethargy and drive changes, we see a weak and corrupt entity called politicians who have no feeling for the nation and its people and are only after power. We see a weak and apologetic media and intellectuals who do not speak from their heart. In short, we see all wrong pictures. Then again, we see what we are, the outer world is merely a reflection of what and who we are inwards. There are many stories of success, strength, courage in the face of adversity and inspirational leadership that could make another Mahabharata, which are shaping the destiny of this nation. Future of India will not be decided by a weak and impotent political leadership and a bunch of corrupt Government officials, but by such men and women of resolute and steadfast determination to bring about changes, to fight against all odds. That is why India survives as a nation for the past 5000 years.


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