goal of mankind - progressive evolution
Is the evolution over or has it just begun? According to sage Aurobindo we are on an eternal voyage of spiritual evolution, transforming ourselves from a human with limited consciousness to a super human with super consciousness. The physical evolution from pisces to birds to reptiles to mammals and higher form like human beings was the basic layer of evolution.
If the goal of human journey is to identify oneself with the vast oneness (what is refered to as divinity, Brahman, God or cosmic energy in various contexts), how close are we to achieve that goal in this strife ridden world?
However one point is that even though strives and tensions are ways of human lives, they have considerably reduced from the past and we are talking about historical ages, viz. the middle ages when we used to have warfare at the drop of a hat. So does that mean world is now a better place?, I am not sure, because one thing is that weapons are now deadlier than ever and war mongerers are very much there, only they fear that they may not escape the same fate as that of their victims. The other is that intolerance has taken an all pervasive form. We are sitting atop a volcano which may erupt at any time.
However just as science is trying to establish the "Einheit" of various forces in a GUT theory and going back to the beginning of creation in the process, humankind is also searching for that elusive unity. They key is to continue searching and the answer lies within all of us. Therefore, look inward, not outward. The same is echoed in the poetry of great Sufi saint Jalaluddin Rumi of Persia -"I searched in various places, ancient temples of idols, Christian church, Persian temple, and Kaba, and I could not find Him. When I searched within myself, I found Him". The same concept is beautifully illustrated in Upanishads. So lets introspect, individually and collectively, thats the real road to progress.
If the goal of human journey is to identify oneself with the vast oneness (what is refered to as divinity, Brahman, God or cosmic energy in various contexts), how close are we to achieve that goal in this strife ridden world?
However one point is that even though strives and tensions are ways of human lives, they have considerably reduced from the past and we are talking about historical ages, viz. the middle ages when we used to have warfare at the drop of a hat. So does that mean world is now a better place?, I am not sure, because one thing is that weapons are now deadlier than ever and war mongerers are very much there, only they fear that they may not escape the same fate as that of their victims. The other is that intolerance has taken an all pervasive form. We are sitting atop a volcano which may erupt at any time.
However just as science is trying to establish the "Einheit" of various forces in a GUT theory and going back to the beginning of creation in the process, humankind is also searching for that elusive unity. They key is to continue searching and the answer lies within all of us. Therefore, look inward, not outward. The same is echoed in the poetry of great Sufi saint Jalaluddin Rumi of Persia -"I searched in various places, ancient temples of idols, Christian church, Persian temple, and Kaba, and I could not find Him. When I searched within myself, I found Him". The same concept is beautifully illustrated in Upanishads. So lets introspect, individually and collectively, thats the real road to progress.
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