Casteism Demystified
Casteism is much vilified world over and rightly so and this obnoxious system is associated with only Hinduism and again rightly so, because the priestly class among Hindus usurped all privileges for themselves, ably aided by kings who in return got the favour of “god men”, misinterpreted scriptures and developed a system which only favoured their own interest and let the corrupt system continue ensuring miseries for thousands. The Hindu priestly classes were no different from priestly classes in other religions who pursued practices like burning heretics on funeral pyre or accepting Indulgence in medieval period. The power hungry priestly classes and kings (of all religions) came together depriving common people of their belief and power and keeping them poor and wretched through a system based on discrimination and fear. The caste system is a by product of thousands of years of domination by a privileged few over ignorant many, of destroying the later's self confidence and self worth by repeatedly telling them that they are inferior by birth and nothing can save them.
Hinduism however does not promote caste system, only those who misuse this religion for the power and privileges do, and the rest of the lot follow them out of sheer ignorance. Hinduism emphasizes on the fact that every individual is divine and the goal of every individual is to realize that divinity. Then what is this Chatur Varna concept? Why does Vedas promote Varnas or the caste? To understand this, you need to get rid of the education promoted by colonial rulers and their slaves who are propagating those teachings even now.
Sri Krishna in Bhagvat Geeta says clearly - "I have created Chatur Varna out of Gunas and Karmas". Please note that the lord does not speak any where of Varna by birth, He is only talking about Gunas, i.e. character and Karma, i.e. work. In short, what the Lord says is that the so called caste system was originally devised based on the ability and characteristic of every individual. The three Gunas are - Sattva or the character of supreme wisdom, Raja or the character of action, and Tama or the character of inaction. These three Gunas, together with the ability and willingness of inidividuals to work in certain fields determine their caste, not their birth. Thus a Brahmin is a person who is engaged in the lofty pursuit of developing and spreading wisdom, detaching himself or herself from the worldly affairs, one whose character is dominated by a high degree of Sattva Guna. The sages in ancient times were all Brahmins because of their knowledge and wisdom, not because of their birth. Kshatriyas are those who have a higher amount of Raja Guna, they are supposed to protect and defend the country and the weak. They are the kings. Again, anybody can be Kshatriya, even though he can born in a Brahmin family. However that did not preclude one to follow another's Karma. Parashuram for instance was a Brahmin who waged war against Kshatriyas because of the ruthlessness and the debauchery of Kshatriyas during his period. Dronacharya was a Brahmin but was a master of weaponry and fought in Kurukshetra war. So there was not much strong distinction among these classes. Vaishyas and Sudras have measured amount of the three gunas. As far as the Karma goes, anybody engaged in any enterprise can be a Vaishya - one who conducts business. Again this has nothing to do with birth but simply inclination. A Brahmin by birth can also be a Vaishya by his work. Same goes for Sudras. Sudras are the working classes, by their inclination or capabilities. That does not make them inferior. In fact nowhere in Vedas it says Sudras are inferior, it only mentions their difference in terms of ability. However we have many examples of Sudra kings and even Sudra warriors. Ekalavya for instance finds a place of sympathy in Mahabharata because of Drona's egoism and Arjuna's jealousy.
Caste system is a form of racism. Racism was present almost everywhere, and is still present almost everywhere. Caste system in its present form is a system of discrimination and so is racism, it fails to give the due respect to fellow human beings. The system of aristocrats and common men, patricians and plebians, feudal system, the discrimination against skin color are all equivalent to caste system. In England there is still a House of Lords and a House of Commons, and its a fact that common colonial European was the biggest form of racist or casteist in the last century and their dominance over other "inferior" races was nothing better than a caste system. Infact they founded this dangerous theory of "Aryan civilization" which has since being debunked, which was nothing but a support for the caste system (one race being superior to the rest). Thus don't just blame the Hindu priestly classes alone for the sin of the most of the world. Its a common legacy of all human beings to discriminate and therefore enjoy the best of the limited natural resources by depriving others.
Nothing can justify the caste system in its present form which is now being exploited by the politicians, and it must go. Only through education, awareness and instilling pride and self confidence among masses it will go.
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