Relationship with Pakistan – some perspectives

There was an edit in one leading English newspaper that we need to “engage Pakistan in an innovative way.” Engaging Pakistan is a phrase which is now being used Ad Nauseum. This phrase was started by US political class, notably the friends of Pakistan among democrats (who are also responsible for bringing in Kerry Luger bill for wasting billions of dollar and putting further strain on an already strained US economy and fuelling its joblessness). Now “engaging Pakistan” had become instant hit with “secular liberals” in India. Since even they are a little tired of this oft repeated phrase, there is a new twist to this – “Engaging Pakistan in an innovative way.” Nobody knows for sure what engaging Pakistan means, nobody has even faintest idea as to how innovative could one be in dealing with a terrorist and a rogue nation which has got itself caught in a perpetual and vicious downward slope of failure and violence.
Pakistan is an epitome of what intolerance stands for where religious minorities, even of Islamic faiths like Shias, Sufis, Ahmadias and Bahai, are regularly killed, tortured and maimed, not to say about other religions like Hindus, Buddhusts, Christians and Sikhs, who barely live there. It is ruled by specific elite classes, of Punjabis and Wahabis, who thrive on Mulla raj and to whom any other sect is like a worm to be gotten rid of. If a nation treats its own citizens in this way, is there any doubt as to how it will treat other nations, esp. those that are secular, multicultural. Pakistan is afraid of China’s power and might and China helps Pakistan in various ways by using it as a buffer state, so at present it keeps a good relationship with China. Given a chance, Pakistan would also like to become a thaw in the path of Kafir China. US provides it with money, so as long as money flows, even though Pakistanis hate the infidels in US passionately, they will not show it outwardly. Pakistan reveres Wahabi nations like Saudi Arabia where intolerance is as common as camels in desert but to what extent SA can go protecting it is not known. After all SA is practical, and nobody wants to be a friend of failed states.
Now how can you engage with a nation which is blind by hatred and at the same time is continuously failing? Do you expect all its people and leaders to develop good senses and get back to you with a hug? Even if they hug you they will stab you at the back. My prognosis about Pakistan is that a nation which is born in hatred and violence, torn apart in hatred and oppression and indulges in violent suppression of its own people will go down in hatred and violence and nobody would be able to prevent that, much like Duryodhona in epic Mahabharata who was blinded by his hatred towards Pandavas. If anybody “engages” with such a nation, it’s only at its own peril of going down too. Pakistan wants to destroy India, even at the cost of its own nationhood, again like Duryodhana. Its stance on KAshmir is very much like Duryodhana's comment - "without war I won't give an inch of what I consider as my kingdom." So if India tries engaging with Pakistan in innovative way, it will go down too in an "innovative" way, bringing in suffering and miseries for its own people. And “secular liberals”, many of them having means to flee the country, will be the first to desert the sinking ship, notwithstanding their grand stands of “secularism” and “liberalism”. This happens when a nation's leadership is weak and myopic and when its people are too spineless and corrupt.
A leading English secular liberal daily is now busy spreading grand words like “Aman Ki Aasha”. Great effort no doubt, but what a colossal waste of space! Or is it a deliberate effort to make Indians forget about atrocities so that they continue enduring all the vicious attacks from across the border.
Bottomline, “Aman ki Aasha” is “Hopelessness of Hope and not Hope for Peace” as this particular “secular liberal” English speaking “newspaper” would like us to believe.


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