The British tyranny in India - Jalianwallah Bagh Massacre and its true history of a terrible Martial Rule
The British historians may have demonized the Nazis but the fact is that Imperial Britain was no better than the Nazis in its treatment of the conquered races. Adopted from the Freedom Portal - According to Dr. R. C Majumdar, year 1919 was a momentous year in the history of India. It was remarkable for the four outstanding events - 1. Rowlatt Bill and its consequences, the reign of military terror in Punjab culminating in the Jalianwala Bagh Massacre that killed thousands of innocent Indians 2. Rise of Mohandas Gandhi as the supreme political leader in India, displacing Tilak 3. Montegu Chelmsford Reforms and consequent passage of Government of India Act 4. Rise of Pan Islamism in Indian politics and its open support by Gandhiji and Congress Lord Chelmsford appointed a committee headed by Justice Rowlatt of UK, and consisted of four other members of which two were Indians. The recommendations were to repla...