
Showing posts from May, 2019


In an artificial neural network, every neuron chosen has certain parameters or weights and biases associated with every feature. So decision making is basically dependent on the weights that we assign to the different parameters and the assigned biases. The weights are adjusted as we move through the back propagation so that the loss is minimized. This is also the way in which a rational choice happens. All our decisions are based on certain evaluation criteria or factors. We already have inherent biases that influence that decision making process. The weights are adjusted according to our perception or analysis of the situation often driven by our ego or emotional conditions. We rationalize our decisions. So in effect there is nothing black and white. Its all shades of gray that we operate with. The world is a complex maze of choices that operate within the realms of gray of varying degree. In choosing our partners to choosing the political party to choosing the religion or for that...

Was Rabindranath Tagore an anti nationalist

There are certain views that are floating around in intellectual circles that Rabindranath Tagore was an anti Nationalist. I am not sure why Nationalism has become a dirty word with some people, esp. with the liberal elites and the media. Nationalism, which conveys deep sense of pride and respect for one's own country is now synonymous with war mongering, chest thumping and positioning one's own country as greater than the others. No harm in taking that position, in fact the dictionary meanings also convey the similar impression. The dictionary definition of Nationalism as per  https://www.merriam- nationalism  - begins with "Loyalty and Devotion to Nation". To me that's important, even though the next few lines dilutes the main definition a little bit. Oxford dictionary defines Nationalistic as Having or expressing strong identification with one's own nation and vigorous support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or d...

Girish Chandra Ghosh - An Appreciation - The relationship with Sri Ramakrishna Part 6

The great poet shared a unique relationship with Ramakrishna. He made repeated demands to him that he be born as his son. Ramakrishna refused saying that his father was a pious brahmin. Girish, in a  drunken state abused him profusely for this refusal, but at times while abusing he prostrated on the dirty ground and made pranaam. When Ramakrishna visited his house the next day, Girish was dejected thinking about the colossal blunder that he did. But Sri Ramakrishna's lack of ego made him exclaim that Ramakrishna was nothing but God. That reinforced his belief. Sri Ramakrishna also told him that he would become purer day by day, people would be amazed by his transformation. Exactly that happened. In his later days people used to visit Girish just to hear about Sri Rmakrishna for hours. He was never tired of speaking about his guru. He used to take dip in Ganga during the Dasahara festival saying that he was not doing it to become pure and get absolved from his sins as others do. H...