
Showing posts from December, 2013

Vivekananda and his love for humanity - part 4

Do we not find the echo of the same love in Narendranath? Of course, else how the same love could be magnified in Swami Vivekananda’s personality? From taking care of an injured soldier, to giving his new clothes to mendicants, to making sure that a friend is able to sit for the examination, his love was probably more channelized before coming out in a torrent or gush in the later period. How do we forget the memorable character in The Gospels of Sri Ramakrishna, of Hazra, whom probably only young Narendra sympathized with, knowing very well that Hazra was somewhat devious in nature. This same love enabled him to carry the shoes of Swami Sadananda, then Sarat Chandra Gupta, on his head, when the latter was unable to walk wearing them and yet was unwilling to leave them behind. Swami Sadananda never forgot that incident. In his later days, when he returned to India, the young Brahmacharins and Sannyasins and his own disciples like Sarat Chandra Chakravarty, the author of the D...

Vivekananda and his love for humanity - part 3

Sister Christine’s memoirs mention of two specific examples of Swamiji’s love for the weakest and the meanest. In New York once there was pitiful little group that clung to him with pathetic tenacity. In the course of a walk he had gathered up first one and then another. This ragged retinue returned with him to the house of 58th Street which was the home of the Vedanta Society. Walking up the flight of steps leading to the front door the one beside him thought. "Why does he attract such queer abnormal people?" Quick as a flash he turned and answered the unspoken thought. "You see, they are Shiva's demons." Walking along Fifth Avenue one day, with two elderly forlorn devoted creatures walking in front, he said. "Don't you see, life has conquered them!" The pity. the compassion for the defeated in his tone ! What a boundless love did he reserve for Sister Christine? Like his own daughter he guided, chided, admonished and led her in spiritual as...

Vivekananda and his love for humanity - part 2

As one who had renounced the world and a follower of Vedanta, he had tremendous jnana or knowledge outside, but inside, he was all love and bhakti or devotion, in his own words. Swamiji’s love for humanity probably begins under the tutelage of Sri Ramakrishna in Daksineswar. The almost inexhaustible reservoir of love who distributed it without least compunction among his many devotees, disciples and ordinary people taught his foremost disciple what magnitude selfless love can assume. In the later years while talking about that selfless love Narendranath referred to the Bengali song honouring Sri Chaitanya, “What a treasure of love Gora Rai (Sri Chaitanya) disseminates. Pitchers and pitchers of love which never empties,” and said, “So true, the love being disseminated by the Gora Rai of Daksineswar is never exhausting.” The loving embrace of the divine child was now reflected in the great flood of love for the mankind by the Supreme Being, who chose the sage of the greatest heaven as ...