
Showing posts from November, 2009

Communists - Going, Going, Gone

This week marked the 20th anniversary of Berlin wall fall which tore asunder the iron curtain. Ironically the same week saw the communists in India seeing their last bastions crumbling and falling. The communists lost in all elections in West Bengal and Kerala, considered as their fortresses. The top brass of Indian communists were busy holidaying in Europe and Brazil, travelling in business class and sipping cognac ('course all in the name of poor and underprivileged, they were drinking the health of poor peasants who just booted them out). In West Bengal they have managed to wrest one seat from poor Congress, other wise the TMC juggernaut seems invinsible and Mamata is going from triumph to triumph and she is wisely consolidating her gains. Atta girl! Therefore communists are finally restricted to a small territory called Tripura, and there is still North Korea. China has ceased to be a communist state 30 years back and they are retaining the name only to keep democracy at bay. C...

management lessons - Vivekananda

I was going through letters of Swami Vivekananda and was pleasantly surprised to see the depth of his thought process in management principles. We need to understand that we are talking about 19th century end, when scientific management principles were still at the stage of infancy. And nobody in India was aware of principles of modern management, let alone practice them. Here are some exerpts from Vivekananda's letter to Swami Brahmanand written on 1st August 1898 from Srinagar- No job can be learnt without practical experience, theory itself is not sufficient ->we all know how important practical experience is nowadays There should always be backups, if somebody goes away, others should be ready to take his work up -> its a perfect example of risk management Nobody works unless there is interest and motivation. Everybody should be given work which would interest him/her. With interest comes dedication.->This is the cornerstone of Herzberg's theory of motivation which...

Definition of Intolerance

No, I am not talking about the dictionery definition. I am simply talking about the inability to accpet a different point of view - be it in religion, politics or in any sphere of life. Intolerance is a great divider, it creates an insurmountable barrier. A greater degree of intolerance is called fanaticism, whereby human beings forget all rational logical thoughts and call it ego or brainwash, that takes over senses completely. Under such a circumstance man can kill, steal or do anything to establish his idea's superiority over others. We are all intolerant, to a greater or lesser extent, racism is a form of intolerance. Come to think of it, even marital discords are nothing but intolerance. We create enemies because we are intolerant. Office politics is nothing but intolerance - of perhaps the success of a colleague. Now what is tolerance? Tolerance is the ability to see other points of view, to accept facts as facts and discard dogmas, to acquire the wisdom to understand that ...